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I was currently sitting in the library, I had a free lesson. None of my friends had the same free lesson as me so I was alone. For some reason, I couldn't get that night where I found Beca out of my head. She didn't care if she fell. Why the hell didn't she? What has made her think like that, it is kind of worrying and I know she doesn't want me to care but the more she says it then the more I want to care. She is just someone I can't stop thinking about.

Since I wasn't actually doing any work I got up from my chair and made my way outside to sit on the bleachers. When I had got to the field I noticed someone else was sitting in the top corner of the bleachers, it was Beca.

Considering she didn't want me to care I had guessed she didn't want me to go up to her so I just sat on the bottom bench. My phone buzzed in my pocket, making me jump a little as I was in deep thought.

'I know I sounded rude the other night, I was having a horrible day. It is just easier if you don't care about me. I don't want you getting caught up in all my shit'

I turned around to stare and Beca and she just looked at me, not saying anything. If she wanted to do this by text then I would, we didn't need to speak.

'It would be easier for you if I didn't care. I want to care, I want you to have a friend you can trust and talk to when you are having a horrible day'

'Then I would be talking to you a hell of a lot. Most days are horrible for me'

'In my whole life I have had one friend. That one friend broke my trust. I told him every problem I had and he used it against me. There is nothing wrong with you Chloe so don't think it is anything about you, it is just me. I am not a good friend to have I guess?'

'Well, then he didn't know how to be a true friend. everyone deserves to have at least one friend and I want us to be friends. You don't have to talk to me every day and we don't need to hang out all the time. Just give me a chance to prove that I really do care?'

'I guess. Just don't expect me to be open about anything. I don't trust myself, let alone anyone else'

'Of course, I don't expect anything off of you except to try and be friends'

'So are you going to tell me why you had such a horrible day?'

'Turn around'

I put my phone next to me, turning around to see Beca with her sleeve up. It was covered with about 5 big bruises. I was shocked, how the hell did that even happen?!

"How" I gasped

'On my way home the other day, some boy did it. Don't tell anyone. I don't need people thinking anything worse about me'

'I won't, don't worry'

That's when the bell rang, I had science. I would rather not, our teacher is getting grumpier everyday I swear.


The school day had finally finished for the day so I just headed home, grabbing a pot of ready made pasta, heading up to my room. My parents wouldn't be home until late today so I couldn't be bothered to cook anything.

After posting on snapchat and looking through Instagram I got a text from Beca again.

'So how does this friend thing work? I haven't had a friend since 5th grade....'

I smiled at how she was actually willing to try being friends with me. I never expected her to go along with it but it's what she needs. Everybody needs friends to rant and chat with.

'Just be yourself and don't push me away and I am sure you'll do fine'

'What made you want to be friends anyway? You know nothing about me'

'You just seem different from everyone else and I like it. I know you are quiet but I bet you are a lot different when you get comfortable with someone'

'I haven't been comfortable around anyone but my sister shows how awkward I am :L'

'It'll be fine, no rush to be besties :P'

'What is a bestie?'

'You don't know what that means? It is just a best-friend'

'Oh, I see! Well I hope to have a best-friend one day'

'You will, I only have 2 best friends and I trust them with my life. Best-friends are special'

'Think I will?'

'I hope you do, takes time to have a friend you can call your best friend and it really sucks when they break all the trust'

'ThankYou for actually talking to me Chloe. I haven't talked to someone like this in so long, it is nice'

'You are very welcome, I have enjoyed talking to you, even if it is mostly over text'

'Well, maybe I will stop keeping myself away from everything and actually talk to you properly soon. I just have a lot of anxiety when having conversations with people. I fear that I won't be accepted'

'I will except you, we are friends now. No getting rid of me:P'

'Don't plan on it. I have to go, my step-father is home and he seems angry. Maybe talk soon?'

'Text me when you can, I will be free'


She didn't text back after that. I wonder why she had to go just because her step-dad was angry? I didn't think about it anymore, I felt a little nosy for some reason. It wasn't my place to wonder about her personal life.

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