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Stacie and I were currently working on some math homework as we had a free lesson. We were sat outside on the bleachers since the library was full and I didn't feel comfortable. Plus Stacie wanted to sit outside anyway.

"Chloe has that date tonight" Stacie mentioned

"Yeah, she made me help with the outfit" I mumbled

"I've been doing that for the last 3 years"

"Unlucky, like what even are tights?" I asked

"Basically thin leggings with feet" She laughed

I nodded and gave her a smile.

"I hate Miss. Thorpe!!" We heard Chloe shout

I turned my head to see her storming over to us. Stacie asked why but I honestly wasn't paying attention. I wasn't meaning to be rude but I just kept thinking about Dani. I know that may sound weird but this morning she said she has had enough of Carl and being in that house around him. I didn't want her to leave home because then I would be alone.

That day when he was out of town and Dani, my mum and I had gone in the pool just went over my mothers head. She went back to not caring about what Carl actually did to me and she went back to treating me like crap. I didn't expect her to be nice to me but that day did make me have a little hope she would carry on being like she used to be.

She doesn't care about you, get over it.

I sighed and Stacie looked at me with a weird look on her face. She mumbled 'You okay' to which I just nodded my head. She didn't look convinced but she left it since Chloe was still ranting.

"I have to go" I mumbled, walking away

I needed to call Dani. If she left then I would not be able to live in that house, not like Carl would care but I do not have anywhere else to go. After about a minute she finally picked up,

'Hey Bec, what's up?'

'What did you mean this morning when you said you have had enough? I keep thinking about it'

'Nothing serious. I have just had enough of him and the way he acts. You keep telling me you are fine and that he doesn't hit you but I know he does Beca. Bruises don't appear out of no where. I see him shove you, glare at you, shout abuse at you. The list goes on and I am fucking sick of it. The worst part? I have no where else that you can stay'

'Dan you don't need to worry about me. I am seriously going to be fine. I will stay there until I start university. You can stay somewhere else if you want to you know? You do not have to stick around just because of me, stop holding yourself back because of me. I would feel unsafe and it would really suck to have someone who doesn't care for me there but I feel like I am holding you back from what you actually want to do'

That is a lie but she doesn't need to know that.

'You are my sister, I have to make sure you are okay and safe and believe it or not Beca, being around him is not safe! I will not leave you there on your own, don't you worry about that. He is just going to get a huge argument from me later because I have had enough'

'Just don't let him hurt you okay? I don't care about myself, I care about you'

'Bec, I will be 100% fine'

'Okay, I have to get to my lesson so just text me?'

'Of course, bye'

I quickly said goodbye before hanging up, I turned around to see Chloe standing there. She smiled and let me know we needed to head to science. I nodded and joined her. By the look on her face she didn't hear anything so I was glad. She is yet to know and I plan on keeping it that way.

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