Chapter 2

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Blue arrived in her hanger where the Paladins and Alteans were waiting. "Hunk, can you go in and get Pidge and Lance?" Shiro told the Yellow Paladin. Hunk nodded and Blue's mouth opened before he made a single step, showing Pidge limping out.

"Pidge! Are you okay?" Hunk shouted running forward. That's when Allura noticed that Lance hasn't walked out of Blue and Pidge was carrying his bayard.

"Pidge, where's Lance?"

Before Pidge could answer, Blue moved her paw and put down the helmet and even sent out a message to all of the present Paladins and Alteans.

My cub is captured. They wormholed away. Please, find my Paladin.

The Lion then walked to a corner of the hanger and put up her force field that blocked her off from the whole galaxy. Everyone was frozen with shock, sadness, and anger at the Galra except for Pidge who was crying while being held up by Hunk. Shiro broke the silence, "We should get you to a healing pod Pidge." She only nodded and they all walked off to the healing pods.


Pidge woke up a day later, who got caught by Keith who was nearby and looking very tired. "Where is everyone?"

"In the bridge. Looking for the ship that Lance could be on."


They sat in a stressed silence and Pidge said, "Well how about we grab some food and head down to the bridge?"

Keith nodded and they walked down to the kitchens together.


"Coran, can you pull up a map of where the Galra fleet could be?"

"Of course, Princess."

The team watched as the star map got pulled up, reminding Keith that Lance liked to look at them when he was homesick. Keith even joined Lance on those nights when he couldn't sleep. He could feel the corners of his eyes stinging from tears wanting to fall but he forced them back down.

"So far, there is a few Glara fleets that are in nearby systems, even one nearby Arus!" Coran informed the team.

Allura stood up from where she was sitting and said, "Well let's start looking for our friend."

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