Chapter 9

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It has been two movements since they started searching for Lance without success. They only had two planets left to search. A lava planet that wasn't very suitable for life and a planet called Kalof. At this point, although the team didn't know it, Lance had made himself general of the Kalofian army since he single handedly took down one of the beasts on the planet. Shiro made the decision to check on the planet when they could, which is three quintents away.

Hunk was stress cooking for the fifth time that week and kept on talking to empty air since Lance was usually there to listen to him and help Hunk take a break from cooking. Shiro tried to calm down the cooking but couldn't so he decided to store the food.

Pidge was on her laptop almost for a few days straight. The only way she fell asleep was if she collapsed of pure exhaustion. Shiro tried to pull her away from her laptop but failed. Instead he brought her food since she didn't feed herself either.

Shiro was trying to juggle the responsibilities of himself, Pidge, and Hunk. He knew that he can't take Lance's place as a part of the Garrison trio. But the leader of Voltron tried his best.

Allura was alright. Still distressed with Lance's disappearance, but she manages to keep a level head for the team.

Coran is still trying to really accept that Lance isn't living in the castle. He just can't lose his space children and the Blue Paladin is his favorite one of the humans.

But in all honesty, Keith was the worst one of the whole team. He has had a crush on the Cuban ever since their bonding moment. Before Lance was captured, Keith was planning of confessing to him after working up the courage for it but the Galra had to ruin it. By taking away the heart of Voltron, the boy who stole Keith's heart.

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