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-after playing, they went home because once it's 4:30 children should be inside their house. because since it's already autumn, the sky turns dark fast-

"Mama I'm home!"

"welcome back Taeyun" Kaho greeted

"hello aunt Kaho, where's mama?"

"Saerin's in the kitchen making dinner"

"Thanks aunt Kaho!"

after Taeyun earned a smile from her, he went in the kitchen to greet his mother.

"Mama! I'm back"

"welcome home yunyun, dinner will be finished after an hour so just wait a little longer, kay?"

"un! okay mama"

he was about to go to his room to read but he suddenly remembered seeing his father

"oh, and mama? I-I saw papa today"

Saerin stopped stirring and looked at her child but didn't say anything

"now I know why papa l-left us"

Kaho joined the conversation and sat beside Taeyun

"what the fu— not infront of my child, Kaho— sorry I mean, what makes you say that honey?"

"he was carrying flowers, and I thought he was going back but i-instead... he.. gave it to another girl"

it was silent and Saerin wasn't surprised about Jimin.. she was surprised because Taeyun saw that and he wasn't even supposed to.

plus, he's been stuttering and that's just so not Taeyun

"maybe that's not Papa?" Saerin suggested

"mama I can't lie to you.. I saw him with my own eyes! he walks like Papa, he carries things like Papa, he dresses like Papa, EVEN HIS HAIR IS LIKE PAPA'S" Taeyun argued

the two women glanced at each other

"f-fine taeyun, I believe you. but please don't change the way you see Papa okay? what if she was just his cousin?"

"but I thought his cousins and brother are all boy?"

"fine, but promise you'll still think of him like your father okay?"

Taeyun POV

I masked my hestitation with a nodd and said "okay"

I went to my room and sat on the floor back resting on the door

but I don't know if I'd think of Papa like a Papa anymore.. first I heard him screaming at Mama, second he left and now I saw him giving flowers to another girl. I've never even seen him give flowers to mama

I didn't noticed that my shorts had droplets on them and that's when I realized my tears are falling..

why am I crying?...is this normal?

does Papa really love us? .. does Papa even love us?

I wipped my tears and whispered to myself "of course Papa loves me and Mama.. we're family. families should love eachother equally"

each word, my voice got quieter

I accidentally hiccuped and quickly covered my mouth to prevent sounds that sounds like I'm crying. cuz I don't want mama and aunt to worry about me.

but... we are family. or more like

were a family

Abusive Husband- P. Jimin (ON GOING)Where stories live. Discover now