22- h o s p i t a l

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                            "you should have done something
but you let your stupidity stop you
from doing anything"
- - -

after Saerin left. Yoongi also walked out the cemetery and rode his bicycle towards a convinience store

once he was outside the store, he locked his bicycle before going in

*phone ringing*


"Yoongi! YOONGI!"


"it's Saerin! she got hit by a truck!"

-2:36, he was in the hospital with Kaho and Taeyun-

"how did she got hit?"

" *sniff* I saw her paddling her way towards her home but then I saw that she didn't stop when the lights turned red so I tried shouting for her to stop but then.. *sniff* I heard a honk and she got hit"

Kaho replied with red puffy eyes, same as Taeyun

"she was in the cemetery with me... I accidentally hurt her but I apologized after that!"

Kaho widened his eyes

"y-you what?.. WHAT DID YOU DO??" Kaho shouted and punched his chest
"you know she's a sensitive person?? and worse, you're her brother!"

"I- what do you expect?? and why are you on her side? she cheated on Jimin!!"

"your sister got hit by a truck and you're still on that?? that was so last month! get over it!"

Kaho panted and ran her hand through her hair out of frustration

she sighed and a tear rolled down her cheek

maybe it's time to tell him? Kaho thought

she held her phone, ran to the bathroom and dialed Hoseok's number

Kaho sighed on relief when she heard Hoseok's voice. "Hoseok! where are you??"

"I'm driving my way there, how's Saerin? where's Taeyun?"

"still no news from the doctor but Yoongi's with me and he's waiting outside, I left Taeyun in the house before going here and I'm in the toilet"

"so what did you called for"

she took a deep breath before saying the words

"can I tell Yoongi?"


"wait me there"
- - -

Kaho opened the door and saw the Doctor in his mid 20s talking to Yoongi

"what happened? Doc, is she alright??" Kaho asked while running towards them.

she saw their expressions and it was unreadable

"she's fine. Ms. Min is a strong woman,I can tell and she's asleep now... but," the Doctor paused


"while doing x-rays on her, she has broken bones here and there. and did you know that she has many scars on her body? it's like someone gave her painful beatings"

Jimin Kaho thought

she looked at Yoongi's expression and saw that he was completely confused

"we want to visit her" Yoongi suggested

the Doctor nodded and led them to Saerin's room.

Patient room 303

the Docter opened the door and let them in, before leaving, running steps was heard

"Wait! I'm a friend too!" Hoseok said while panting

he sprinted inside the room and greeted everyone even Yoongi

"if you guys need anything just come to my desk just right there"

the Doc pointed at the desk not far from the room and closed the door leaving the three

"so, how is she?"

Kaho looked at Hoseok and mouthed "can we tell him now?"

Hoseok paused for a second before nodding his head. Yoongi watched them slightly creeped out

"Yoongi.. there's something we need to tell you" Hoseok started


they heard a soft grunt and turned at the source of it. there she is, slowling sitting up while rubbing her forehead. Saerin looked around the room and her eyes landed on the three

"Saerin! you're awake!"

but she didn't respond, just looked at Kaho with furrowed brows. Yoongi walked towards her and slightly yelled "I told you, I should've took you home"

"come on Yoongi, she just got hit by a truck. give her a break" Hoseok whisper yelled

still no reply from Saerin and this made Kaho even more worried. she ordered Yoongi to call the doctor to check if something's wrong with her best friend

finally the doctor came with Yoongi, with a paper in a clipboard in his hands.

"she won't respond to us" Kaho said with a worried tone

the doc quickly went and kneeled infront Saerin

"Saerin? do you know who you are?"

Saerin nodded

"do you remember what happened to you?"

"n-no" Saerin finally spoke

"Saerin! why didn't you responded to us quickly?" Yoongi slightly yelled

"don't need to shout" Hoseok said

"a-are you three re-related to me?"

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