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                           "there's a very big differrence between
                                                    a Man
                                                    a Pig"

- - -

"Y-yes i-it's true I did slept with another Man" Saerin softly answered

Jane POV

she stuttered.

I knew it

Third POV

Jane smiled which surprised Saerin because she expected Jane to blame her or say something like "they were Right" or "slut" etc.

"w-why are you smiling? shouldn't you be angry at me? or saying t-" "Saerin"

Jane interrupted

"you don't have to hide it. I know the two of you just had a misunderstanding, why not talk about it with him? he seems pretty down when he knew"

Saerin slowly turned her attention back to the passing cars while thinking

he's fucking good at acting

she looked at Jane again and sadly whispered "it's Complicated"

Jane looked at her with a sad smile and patted Saerin's back softly and said "okay, if it's bothering you so much I'm here to listen"

Saerin half smiled at Jane

"Namjoon picked the perfect girl" Saerin said while looking into Jane's loving eyes

her eyes reminds her of her Mother's

memories flashed quickly before Saerin's eyes and suddenly felt like crying. Jane saw this and quickly embraced the woman before her

"heh, thanks... you know before we came here Namjoon warned me about you saying that I should stay away from you, but for once he's wrong. *chuckled* how rare for a 148 IQ. by the way, do you want to eat dinner with us?"

"uhm I think I want to stay here for a bit. I like the view here"

Jane released Saerin's figure and told Merry Christmas and went downstairs with the other girls

when Saerin was finally alone she turned her attention from the how fast the cars are to how tall the building was and blurted out the thing that came in her mind

"what if I jumped.." Saerin blurted while still looking down

she leaned on the fence and rested her elbows on it

"the sun and moon will still rise, the flowers will still bloom, the clock will still tick.. so, what am I waiting for?" she told herself

"then what are you waiting for?"

Saerin frozed on the sound of the voice


she turned around and saw the black haired Man hurt her one too many times, but still secretly hoped he'd change..

"what a-are you doing here?" Saerin asked voice loud, while heart beating fast like a large drum in her chest

she was Scared


"you told Hoseok too, didn't you?" Jimin said voice low and threatening while taking a step forward like a Lion cornering his prey

Saerin's out of space to lean on the fence so she's just there trembling like a doe getting devoured by the Lion

she couldn't even run.. she doesn't even have the strength to

"I- I didn't! p-please don't hurt me I'm sick of feeling pain! we're already divor- slap!

"ARGH-mhp; Jimin roughly covered her mouth

"shut.your.mouth so they won't hear anything"

he let go of her and pushed her on the ground and kicked her on her leg and not the stomach so it would look like she fell from the stairs

" I told you to don't tell anyone or I will kill the ones you love.. even Taeyun"

- - -

Jane POV

while I was drinking my tapioca milk tea I noticed that Saerin's kinda.. late? I'll just go check on her

I excused myself to go for some fresh air again but this time I said alone. I speed walked and rushed to the exit and went upstairs

"why can't they just make an elevator here? urgh! but I kinda need this *pants* I need excercise"

I finally reached the door on the rooftop and slowly opened it since it's kinda heavy

when I heard Saerin's voice I slowly half close the door so could take a peek on what's going on

"I- I didn't! p-please don't hurt me I'm sick of feeling pain! we're already divor- slap!

I gasped. I looked at who slapped her..Jimin

J-jimin? but he was a good guy! or that's what I thought

I brought up my phone to take a video when I saw him beat Saerin. I didn't know that a kind, gentle guy. would become an abusive, hurtful one

" I told you to don't tell anyone or I will kill the ones you love.. even Taeyun"

*gasps* is-is this really happening? h-he plans to kill his own son?

sh-should I call the police? I-I don't know what to do anymore. I should ask Saerin about this next time

what would the rest think?

Abusive Husband- P. Jimin (ON GOING)Where stories live. Discover now