21-cemet e r y

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"I was so busy trying to protect you, that
I forgot
I have to be protected from you"
- - -
Third Person POV

it's been weeks since the beating from Jimin. and Christmas was just around the corner. for the others, Christmas is a jolly day to celebrate and to sing songs we know and love.

but for Saerin, 25th of December was the last day she saw her Parents

Taeyun was just 2 year old when her parents passed away and Saerin was slightly glad that her son doesn't remember a thing, but the only thing for sure is Taeyun was sad when he found out his Grandparents died when he didn't even get the chance to be embraced in their warm arms.

"Yunyun, I'm going to visit Grandma and Grandy's tomb this afternoon. do you wanna come this time?"

because the last time they visited, Taeyun cried hystericaly while shouting that he wants to go home nonstop

"no, I want to play with aunt Kaho for today. becareful on the way there mom!" Taeyun giggled while hugging his mom

Saerin replied a soft thank you and continued decorating the house

sure, her Parents died in Christmas but that doesn't mean she'll carry that memory forever. she needs to be happy and besides, Jimin is out of the house now, so she can breath some fresh air. some peace.

or she thought

-1:35 pm, Saerin was paddling towards the cemetery with a slightly aching leg-

she used a bicycle to the cemetery because it's been a while since she used her bicycle.

Saerin entered only find the Person that she cared and loved dearly but chose to be against her.


he was on his knees infront of their parents' names and he also noticed her presence so he looked at her

"what are you doing here?"

there it goes again, the pain in her chest seems to take over her heart when she heard her brother's words for the first time in awhile.

"I came here because I want to visit our parents"

instead of offering her sister to sit beside him, he just rolled his eyes and scoffed.

"our?" Yoongi scoffed
"if mom and dad were here, they won't even allow you to spare a glance at them or maybe they won't even call you their daughter anymore"

Saerin's heart felt like someone was squeezing it roughly when she heard those words.

she's tired, Tired of keeping it all.. if Jimin will kill her then so be it.

"if mom and dad were here they'll still talk to me, care for me. because they know that I was never the woman that would cheat." Saerin whispered the second sentence

"Liar!" Yoongi shouted

"Jimin told us that you slept with another man! he was upset! Jimin's a great man he wouldn't lie to his friends!"

yeah, great at kicking his ex wife Saerin thought

"why am I even talking to you.. you're nothing to me anymore nothing at all!"

Yoongi turned around and was about to walk away but Saerin held his arm

"please Yoongi, you have to listen to me-slap!

Yoongi was shocked when he saw his sister fell back on her bum and held her cheek and immidietly regret hurting his sister

"S-Saerin.. I-I'm.." "It's fine" Saerin interrupted

she slowly stood up and looked at her brother with blank eyes. Yoongi noticed her slightly limping and regretted hurting her again

"I-I'll c-carry you home" Yoongi tried touching her shoulder but she just lightly pushed his hands away

his heart ached when she pushed them away when he knew that she needed his help

"nice meeting you again.. I-I promise I won't call you my brother a-again"

"wha- fine, don't crawl back to me if you get into an accident"

a tear rolled from her left eye before she turned around and left a very panicked Yoongi

it wasn't the pain of the slap she was crying for... it was because Yoongi, her own brother slapped her when she didn't even do anything wrong

she paddled and paddled thinking that if she paddled more she will just disappear into thin air

while Saerin was paddling. her eyes were too blurry she became unaware of her surroundings. she heard a loud honk before everything went black

Abusive Husband- P. Jimin (ON GOING)Where stories live. Discover now