The New Home

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Eliza's suitcase was heavy. The staircase creaked as she dragged her bag up the steps. Eliza's new house was old and not meant to have this much weight on it. At the top Eliza breathed heavily. Her shoulders ached from attempting to make her noodle arms more muscular the day before the move. She wanted to look more athletic once she got to her new school but it was no use. Her arms stayed the same; long and thin.

Eliza put her fiery red curls into a messy bun and went onto her blog. She thought about texting her only friend, Lilian, who was back in Boulder, Colorado, where Eliza had moved from. Now Eliza was in Madison, Wisconsin. She was trying to go into freshman year without being the outcast like she was last year. Lilian was an athletic star that took Eliza under her wing in sixth grade, and have been friends ever since.

Eliza decided to text later and post some new fandom edits she had made but there was no wifi. "MOOOOOM. What's the wifi password? "Eliza called to her mother across the hall.

"Unpack now and post later!" Her mom replied with a sigh. Eliza's mother hated cell phones and preferred things like books, board games, or anything that was from when she was a kid. That's how Eliza got into reading. Now Eliza is obsessed with her books and stays in her room all day. "Sweetie. You are an awesome girl with so much to give to others!Go out and make some friends!" Eliza's mom would always say. Eliza preferred online friends who can't see what you look like and love you no matter what age you are.

Eliza moaned loudly for her mother to here and began to unpack her books and set them on the bookshelf. She stroked the spines and sighed. All she wanted to do was blog and re-read a book on her shelf.

"Why are you petting your books?" Eliza's little brother James stood in her bedroom doorway. "James, out of my room!" Eliza groaned. James giggled and ran out of the doorway and back into the hall. Eliza's mom peeked into the bedroom.

"Here are your school uniforms Eliza. I gave them a quick wash for you so they will be clean and ready for next week!" Her mom set the new uniforms on the unmade bed. Thanks mom," Eliza replied with a fake smile. Eliza then heard a buzz coming from her phone. "Dad!" Eliza smiled. Her mom nodded and walked out of the room to go help James unpack and to give Eliza some privacy. Eliza picked up the phone and answered it.

"Hey Eliza! How'd the move go?" Eliza's father asked over the bad signal. "It was okay I guess. How's life in Afghanistan?" Eliza answered. Her father was a marine fighting in the war against Afghanistan and had been away for six months. Eliza, James, and her mom moved into Wisconsin so they could be closer to her dad's family and the U.S. Army Reserve.

"Afghanistan is awful. I don't want to be fighting these poor innocent people but I'm fighting for our country." Her dad replied. He knew that Eliza was against war and fighting of any kind, but it he loved America and wanted to fight for it.

"Will you be home before the school year starts?" Eliza asked hopefully. "I'm afraid not sweetie. It's tough over here. I'm really sorry," he said kindly. "But I'm sure that freshman year will be great and I'll wish you good luck on the phone the night before if I can." Eliza heard a muffled voice in the background.

"Sorry Eliza I have to get back to work. I'll talk to you all as soon as I can alright?" he said warmly. "Okay. I love you," Eliza replied. "Love you too honey. Talk to you soon!" Her father replied and hung up. Eliza sighed and plopped onto her bed. She then felt a hand in her shoulder. Eliza turned to see her mother smiling. Her mom sat next to her.

Eliza thought that her mother was quite pretty. She had straight chestnut hair that matched James'. She also had sea green eyes that matched Eliza's. Her mom wore round rimmed glasses that reminded Eliza of Harry Potter and had her hair pulled back into a neat ponytail. Eliza's mother folded her hands into her lap.

"How is your dad doing?" she asked Eliza with a touch of worry in her eyes. "He is okay, but he won't be able to come before school starts," Eliza replied. Her mother nodded and looked out the window. Eliza's parents loved each other so much and her mom was always worrying about her dad.

"I hope he calls again. I miss him," Eliza's mom sighed. She then stood up and walked out of the bedroom. Eliza felt sorry for her mother and new how much she missed him. Eliza knew that unfortunately this is how life was for her family; it was always about missing each other.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 17, 2014 ⏰

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