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"I'm home!"

Haneul announced rather softly. "Oh, good. Donghyuck's here too?" Her elder sister replied and at the mention of his name, the boy bowed slightly to greet his cousin. The Lee girl smiled back and continued with her work, she was busy writing, as always.

Some people mistook her as an author but she wasn't exactly one. Rather, her sister was a historian to be exact, she studied histories a lot, social history, philosophy history, you name it. Recently, she got interested to study about ancient monarchies, and she was super pleased to learn about it.

Though Haneul took History in school, she didn't share the same enthusiasm with her sister, but she had to admit at times, the stories she told were quite interesting.

Regarding her parents, her dear father was always busy ever since he hit the jackpot with his company. Not to mention, her brother in law was great at managing it as well. As for her mother, she was always out with her acquaintances or something business related. Her sister was her only comfort at times, but Donghyuck was better at it.

"I'm so tired." Donghyuck exclaimed as they got into her room. Haneul placed her bag on the chair at her desk and was about to charge her phone.

"Don't sit on my bed—"

"Too late." The boy exclaimed as he had already thrown himself on it. She rolled her eyes, switched on the air con and lied next to him.

"I wanna go out." Haneul sighed as she looked outside her window and caught sights of people gathered outside the gates. The press, they were hungry for new updates regarding her father. Her sister's recent marriage made their hunger turned into starvation. They were wild for her family.

Haneul propped herself next to her cousin on the bed. "You're curious about him, aren't you?" The male asked. At first, Haneul was clueless of what he was talking about. Until she took a wild guess.

The girl hit her cousin with a pillow she had in one hand. "This is why, I don't like it when you read out the list for me." She said, which only made the guy laugh.

"Well, aren't you?" He asked. "You don't even know he existed until today which is our final day of the semester." He added. "Damn, Han. Four years of highschool and you—"

"Shut up, I'm not ignorant. Of course I knew he existed!" She exclaimed. She knew very well Donghyuck was going to come up with another sarcasm, so she came out with a proof. "He played the guitar for freshman's talent show."

Only then, she found herself quiet. She wasn't exactly sure it was him, but the silence from her cousin proved that she was right. "Glad you remember the freshman crush of Hanseong High." He added.

Donghyuck then turned sideways so he would face her. "Let's see." He made some sort of a thinking face. "He's quiet, you're quiet. So, you're both gonna fail unless someone speaks first—"

"I'm not quiet!" Haneul shrieked directly to his ears, which he instantly covered. "Oh, my bad." He said. "You just 'don't feel like talking.'" He mimicked the way she would always explain whenever people ask her so.

Donghyuck caught himself laughing as Haneul constantly hit him for teasing her. "Apart from the good looks he inherited, he's super lazy." He said which was something Haneul find it hard to believe. "Trust me, the sole reason why he hates Maths is because his working was always incomplete but he'd get the right answer eventually."

"He's exactly the kind of person I'd be stressed out with." Haneul said, which her cousin agreed to. "So, muster up that patience Lee!"

"How do you know so much about him?" Haneul asked out of the blue. "Just because we're in different classes, doesn't mean we can't be friends. Human interaction exist, princess."

Donghyuck lie flat on his back, he lifted his phone and started scrolling through it. "Don't have to worry though, he's nice. Might be awkward at first, but hey the top students can't fail." Donghyuck teased.

Haneul pursed her lips. "Can't we do like a study group instead?" She asked. "You, your partner, Lee Jeno and me." The girl suggested. "Oh, you mean a double date?" Donghyuck continued to tease her. "Honestly, Hyuck. I'm going to spread that video of you dressed up as Marilyn Monroe and dancing to MJ."

"You wouldn't dare." He glared at her, which she only stuck out her tongue. "But, I have to decline the idea." He said. "Nana and I are staying out of any double dates, like Renjun's and Yangyang's and that includes you and Jeno. So no, I'm not gonna make your life easy."

Haneul was about to ask who was Nana, but luckily her brain functioned. "Ugh." She rolled her eyes for the umpteenth time. "Hani, do me a favour." He called out for the girl.

Called by the nickname, Haneul raised an eyebrow. She got up from her bed, to check the percentage of her phone's battery.

"Great, you have your phone. Text this number for me please." He said, and Haneul instantly made a face. "You're holding your phone, do it yourself." She said. "Awh, please! It's Nana, I ran out of credit." He whined and it was getting annoying though he had been doing so for the past 18 years.

Again, Haneul sighed and gave her phone to Donghyuck, which the boy gladly typed in the number. "Okay, type this exactly." He ordered which the girl fixed her eyes on the screen.

hey, can we meet up at Ballroom
for the project at 2pm
this is Haneul btw
Donghyuck ran out of credit.

The male smiled giddily. "Thanks Han!" He grinned and threw his phone to the side. He rolled over and shut his eyes, sleeping as if it was his bed, like always. Haneul decided to take a shower. Chatting with him was tiring.

She was supposed to get used to his teases, and she was indeed immune to it. However, Donghyuck can be annoying at times. Still, he was the only person close to a sibling she could ever have. Luckily, he lived close by to hers. It was as if she had a brother.

As Haneul was drying her hair, her phone buzzed. She figured out it must be from Jaemin. Took a while for him to reply, it was their final day for the semester anyway. People tend to go all out on that day.


〚 王 〛
🐾my precious kun

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