Chapter 10: Conflict

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(Art work is not mine. Halloween is over but I'm still watching horror movies, I recently finished watching the 1978 Halloween... what's your favourite scary movie? Let me know in the comments🙂 I'm hoping that soon I'll even get to add some gore to the story)

     Eyeless Jack POV

E.J. watched, along with everyone else as the boy fled the room without warning. "Slender," E.J. spoke amidst the deathly the silent room, grabbing the attention of the tall man sitting at the head of the table. "Do you know why he left?"

Slenderman stayed silent. E.J. looked down at his half eaton supper of human organs. Provide by his last victim and stored in the fridge until now. He knew that Slenderman was hiding something. Most likely about Ken. Maybe he was uncomfortable eating with E.J.? If that was the case, he would have to talk to the white haired boy and work things out.

It wouldn't be good for either of them if he was too uncomfortable eating with E.J.

Jeff voice E.J.s concerns. Albeit it in a much more blunt and... "What the hell is up with him?" Jeff grumbled. "Just leaving like that... what a wimp."

Clockwork spoke next, "What could've made him so nervous that he had to leave?"

Then BEN, " Well, he got really tense when the food was brought out. May he wasn't feeling well?"

Jane. "Food poisoning?"

Laughter was heard from Jeff's direction. "Oh please, food poisoning? What kinda bull shit it is that? There isn't even food on his plate. It wouldn't even happen that fast. You two would know that wouldn't you?" Jeff addressed the question to E.J. and Dr. Smiley. E.J. simply nodded, whereas the other man just uttered a 'yeah that's right'.

   Jeff snorted, "If you ask me he's probably just scared from sitting across from someone who was eating human organs." E.J., who's head previously looked down shot up to face the accusation. As did several others.
     Including Slendermans. "Jeff"- Slenderman warned. But to no avail.
Even though he had been thinking the same thing, none of them knew for sure why he left. It was wrong of them to make accusations about Ken without confirming them first. Although... Jeff did have a point.

     "If he can't even handle that, how do you guys expect him to kill someone", Jeff kept on going. E.J. and the others tried to get him to some talking. Using that tone of voice that should've given him the hint to shut the fuck up... but apparently not Jeff.

"Maybe he's a clean killer. Ya know, the kind that doesn't try to create the biggest mess possible. Unlike someone..." Jane directed the comment at Jeff. E.J. should've figured this would happen eventually. Jane would use any excuse to take a hit at Jeff. It went the other way around to.

"Oh please, you know it's more... fun that way." Jeff paused. What about those things from earlier then? Hm?" The raven haired boy continued. "Come on! Don't tell me you didn't see! Those red tentacle things coming from his back... his eyes... the way he was scre-"

"Jeff!" Slendermans voice rang through there heads. Loud and commanding and Jeff instantly knew to shut his mouth. "Jeff, that's enough. The boys been here less than a day and you don't know one thing about him." Slenderman chastised. Warning evident in his tone of voice. "You don't need to worry about earlier either. When Kaneki is ready he will explain."

    Jeff sat back with a huff, grumbling a 'fine whatever' and dinner continued. However, E.J.s head was full of thoughts that we're starting to make his head swim. Is Jeff right? What were those things? These thoughts raced through him mind and he beaded air. He couldn't even finish his meal. He just wanted to leave.

     Outside. He could go outside. A walk would do him good.

     Excusing himself from the table, E.J. took his half eaten plate from the table and grout it to the kitchen to be cleaned. Scraping the organs off his plate and rinsing the blood from the sink, he slipped out of the room with one last glance at the group still at the table.


Outside was very cool, so E.J. was glad he was wearing his sweater. Tugging the black fabric closer to himself, he stepped into the darkness, making sure to close the door quickly and quietly.

Leaving the home and venturing into the Slendermans woods, E.J. gabbed should of the scalpel he kept in his pocket. Maybe he would come across a lost trespasser. He chuckled a little at the thought. It had been awhile since he last went hunting.

As he walked, he picked up the scent of blood. Something about the scent was familiar, he recognized it, even if it was just by the faintest bit. Following that very scent he came a cross some blood splatter. And then three sets of footprints. And then more blood... a lot more blood.

     He knew where he was. After Slenderman and his proxies had come back to the mansion with a practically dead Ken in tow, Slenderman had told E.J. as well as everyone else that they need to clean up the mess. During that time, Toby had told him what had happened. At least... what happened when they found him.

     Toby had told him what the scene look liked. How the was enough blood to make it look like someone blew up. How there were strange flowers blooming in the deathly forest. How in the midst of it all was a broken body now identified as Ken Kaneki.

Although, at this time, there was no body. There was still blood. Everywhere. There were still those alien like flowers blossoming from the tainted earth. But there was no body.

There was however, a mask. It was a leather black mask, with a wide lipless grin. It's teeth were pearly white and it's gums a fleshy red. A matching black leather eyepatch covered the right side of the top half of the mask, leaving only where the right eye would be exposed.

     To be honest, E.J. Found the whole scenario a little bit... eerie. A creepy looking masked left out in the middle of the woods drenched in blood. But that's wasn't what mad him creep so creeped out. He's even got his own creepy mask, what kind of creepy pasta would he be if something as simple as that made him quiver!

     It was the foot prints. There were his fresh ones. Not many however as he hadn't been walk through all of the blood there for long.

     The were four sets that started at the mess. One, was obviously Slenderman's (there size made that a fact), which meant that the other three were from Masky, Hoodie, and Toby. One pair of footprints turned around the other continued forwards from there initial placement and spread out. And that was it. As it should be...

Until E.J. crouched down to pick up the mask... and noticed the displacement in the already congealing blood...

There were more footprints... one more set... leading away from the mess... heading in the opposite direction...

E.J. realized, How ever Kaneki got here...

He wasn't the only one.

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