Chapter 12: Masks

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(Art work is not mine. Apologies. I wanted to update this sooner but I got caught up in reading a really good AOT fan fiction. Happy March Break. Warning there is some gore near the end of the chapter.)

Kaneki POV

     Come morning, Kaneki had sat down, back at the same table as the day before. Dim rays of light made there way through the windows of the living area. But it did little to brighten up the dark room. Kaneki sat at the same chair with a very dreary looking face. Needless to say, he did not sleep well. But then again, when did he ever?

     "Mornin'," a gruff voice called from behind him. It was the boy with the white hoodie and scars who had just walked into the room and taken a seat.

     "Good morning. Jeff, right?" Kaneki quietly asked.

     The other just grunted a response and started to fiddle with something hidden in his pocket. And they both turned to the empty space on the table in front of them. And sat in silence while the rest of the houses occupants woke up and made there way down.

     To be honest, Kaneki had no idea what to do after he had woken up. And he had been awake for some time. He'd been awake since his nightmare had forced him out of subconsciousness.

     Kaneki had woken up in a cold sweat. The sun was still down and Kaneki's eye quickly adjusted. He couldn't stop his hands from shaking. All he could think about was that dream. If you could even call it that.

     His dreams seemed to be getting more and more realistic. Like a premonition, if not a memory, of some sort. Like something was going to happen. But Kaneki just didn't know what.

     It left a uneasy feeling in his stomach... but that might've just been the hunger. Since he'd arrived, he'd had this horrible pain in his gut. He knew it was the hunger of a starving ghoul. And he figured it was because of how much energy he spent healing. Not to mention the war against the investigators. And Arima.

     It just shouldn't be so bad. He's never felt a lust for human flesh so powerful before, all he wanted to do was eat. But he couldn't, not yet. He at least had to get outta this place and search for someone to eat. Preferable already dead.

There was that scent from the kitchen. In the middle of the night, when he'd woken, he had gone to investigate. It had come from the fridge. And when he'd opened it he saw the cause. Serval jars of- what appeared and smelled to be- human organs were scattered throughout the shelves of the refrigerator. Mixed through the variety of normal human human.

The sight alone got Kaneki's mouth watering. He was so tempted to reach right out and grab one of the jars. But he couldn't.

He couldn't understand why. Was the human part of him still holding him back?

Maybe it was. Maybe it was because he didn't know where it came from. Maybe he's spent such a long time cannabalizing that he's forgotten what human tasted like.

Maybe he'd just have to remember.

Kaneki arose from his seat and stalked away from the table. Leaving the raven haired killer the only occupant, Kaneki left the room.

And not long later the rest of the house's residents- that Kaneki knew of- made their way down.


He was sure no one would miss him if he left even just for little while. He didn't even red to go far. So he stepped out on to the mansions shaded porch from the old front doors, and sat down on the creaking wooden planks making the steps. He never went past that last step. And only seemed to stare off into the grim forest. 

     It was a rare sight for someone like Kaneki to have an experience such as this. Growing up in the largest and most heavily populated city in Japan never really gave him the chance to travel. He always stayed in the same area because everything he needed was right there! His school, his apartment, his friends.

     Now however, he really wished he'd gone out of the city more, maybe travelled to the country side. Because now, he knew he couldn't do that.

     "No, you can't, can you Kaneki?"


     "And it's all your fault,"  the hallucination of the purple haired woman whispered in her ear. "And there's nothing you can do to change it."

     She had her arms draped over his shoulders as she leaned against his back. Her violet locks pooling down his chest, over his sweatshirt. The same dark grey he'd been given the day before. Kaneki could almost feel her breath against the curve between his neck and his shoulder. About to bite down. "Why don't you just give in already?"

     Back to his ear. He kept looking forwards. He didn't want to give in once again.

     Not yet at least.

     "Just like you did with Jason," her voice turned demonic as she said his name. And the her face began to melt. Bits of skin and muscle and blood sliding of her skull. As her demonic voice became even more warped. And Kaneki stood up fast. Turning his back to he woods, his eyes widened.

     "What're you waiting for?! Eat!!"  She shrieked. If you even say she anymore. What was once a recreation of Rize was now something much more grotesque. Something that resembled the remains of a human hunted and devoured by a starving ghoul. Nothing but a pile of bones and flesh.

     Until it started to change.

     That pile of something on the deck started to move. And Kaneki took a step back.

And when that squirming pile started to grow. And stand up. And started to heal. And put itself back together. He took another step back.

And it started forming a face. Bits of flesh spreading across bone to be covered in skin.

White hair sprouting from its head.

Black nails growing on an out stretched hand.

One kakugan and one silver brown eye rolled back into the socket.

And a horrifying deep purple mask...

Of Mukade...

The centipede...

His Kakuja.

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