Chapter 8: Hunger

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(Artwork is not mine and a quick thank you to the people who actually read this story. If you like it please vote, and if you have any ideas for future chapters- although I do already have some- please let me know. Let me know what you think about the story so far.)

Kaneki POV

     "Because my left eye is the constant and unavoidable reminder of what I have become." Kaneki stated. A long silence followed before there was quiet chuckling coming from the boy next to the doctor. He had ash black hair and leather pale skin. He wore a greyish-white sweater splattered in old bloodstains and black dress shoes and pants. His eyes were wide, what was left of his eyelids black and crispy. His most noticeable feature, however, was the bloody ear to ear grin craved from the corners of his mouth. Every bit of him screamed killer.

     There was a slight metallic scent of blood that lingered in the air. It came from the carvings in the boys cheeks. The sweet smell was intoxicating and Kaneki had had to clutch his stomach under the dinning table to mask the sound of his stomachs growling. The scent was only making him hungrier. He was hungrier than ever, since it took so much of his energy to heal from such fatal wounds and because he indulged in cannibalism for so long, his body had become used to the extra amount of RC cells.

"And what is it that you've become exactly? Hmm?" He asked with an amused grin. His voice was gruff and he had that vibe about him that would've made the old Kaneki nervous. But not now, if he was trying to intimidate Kaneki it wasn't going to work.

      The young ghoul wasn't sure if he should really answer. He didn't want to offend anyone by answering. He didn't know what the others thought of themselves, if they thought of themselves the same way he did.

     It was a simple answer. Really. He knew exactly what he had become, aside from a man-eating one-eyed ghoul. He had already excepted what he was, he did that long ago- but that didn't mean they all had to know just yet. If they knew, there was no way he would be able to start his life over in peace. This was his only chance.

     Besides, the answer to to one question will only lead to more.

     Sensing the tension in the air, Slenderman suddenly spoke up, "Why don't the rest of you introduce yourselves?"

     Oh right. There are still others. Kaneki had briefly forgotten about the people introducing themselves. The boy in white just scoffed, turning his head in irritation. He said nothing and the boy next to him, the last person in that side of the dining table, spoke up.

"H-h-hello," he said, "I'm T-t-ticci T-toby." The boy was young. Like most of the places residents. He looked to be in his teens, he had on a green and blue hoodie, orange goggles resting atop his messy brown hair. He too, had a smile on the mask he wore. The mask itself was black and only covered up to his nose.

"It's n-nice to me-et you," he said, before his neck harshly tilted to the left. A loud pop rang through the air and Toby chuckled sheepishly, "Sorry," he apologized. "I hop-pe the s-sound doesn't bother y-you."

The white haired boy was a little surprised that the other was apologizing. "No. No. Don't apologize." He assured Toby. "It doesn't really bother me. I have a similar... problem." He trailed off at the end of the sentence. Not that anyone seemed to notice. The only problem he had, was that more often than not, those types of sounds would remind Kaneki of him.

     Since there was no one else on that the side of the table, the people on Kaneki's side introduced themselves. Starting with the guys at the end.

     They said their names were Masky and Hoodie. Masky wore the white mask with the black feminine features. He wore jeans and a faded tan jacket and had a wild mess of light brown hair. Hoodie wore a bright yellow hoodie with the hood up. He had a black mask that went over his head, under his hood, with bright red eyes and a frown stitched onto it.

They both seemed nice enough, and they didn't seem to uncomfortable either.

Then there was the girl on Kaneki's right. She said her name was Clockwork. It made sense since she had a pocket watch clock for an eye. There was a bit of blood around the area, same for her mouth- which was stitched into an eerie smile. She had long chocolate hair and her other eye was a emerald green. She seemed very kind... but looks can be deceiving.

Last but not least, was the little girl. She was the same girl Kaneki saw earlier in the day. Sally, he remembered. She had such a soft voice, she seemed so kind... the opposite of a killer. She seemed so normal... aside from the blood in her hair.

She introduced herself and the bear Kaneki hadn't realized she'd been holding. She called him Mr. D- who was a brown teddy bear that was missing its right eye.

When Sally was finished, Slenderman piped up. "Alright everyone," he spoke cheerfully. "Now that that's out of the way, I think it time we eat."

Oh no, Kaneki thought. He knew wouldn't be able eat the same food as the others. He could but it wouldn't help the aching in his stomach when he had to throw it up later. It would probably just make him hungrier... and man was he fucking hungry. They didn't know what he was yet. Though they may have some notion.

He knew that they would find out sooner than he wanted. But for tonight he just wanted some form of normalcy.
And since Slenderman was the only one who knew the full truth. Even though there were something's Kaneki didn't mention during their little conversation- he still suspected that Slendy could read his mind and memories. Kaneki would have to talk to him about his eating habits.

Soon, Slenderman had left to the kitchen and returned to the room carrying numerous plates and trays full of food. He sat a plate in front of everyone, they all grabbed whatever they could, filling their plates before they started eating. Everyone except for Kaneki of course... and EJ?

Suddenly, Kaneki was hit with the something that would catch any ghouls attention. A magnificent aroma followed the next dish brought in. The plate was partially hidden by the rest of the food on the table. It was between EJ and himself and Kaneki knew what it was long before he had actually gotten a good look.

That sweet, sweet scent. It made Kaneki's mouth water. It made his stomach roar... And it made the voices in his head howl in delight.

     That's right... voices... Kaneki had another. The voice that caused him to lose control of himself. The voice of his inner demon... the voice of his kakuja...


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