Chapter 1: Hurt

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( I noticed that a lot of people stopped reading this story after the first part so I figured I would extend it just a bit. It's still pretty short but I promise it's only this chapter. The chapters after this one are longer. Art work does not belong to me.)

Kaneki POV

     Pain... It was all he could feel... His shattered skull was pounding... He ached all over... bruises were already forming on his body... And cuts stung like hundreds of biting fire ants... He saw only the tip Arima's quinque coming closer... Impaling him in his last good eye... Before everything went dark.

     Kaneki knew he was going to die, death was nothing new to him. He would gladly lay down his life if it meant that the others were safe. He knew they could take care of themselves but he still worried. He knew that when he finally passed on, the Doves would rip his kagune out of his lower back and turn it into a quinque. A weapon that would then be used to hunt down and kill the last of his friends. But he couldn't get up anymore. He had fought with everything he had and just couldn't go on.

     Touka... Hinami... Anteiku...


     He couldn't help but think about those dear to him. His time was up and he could feel the icy tendrils of death grasping at his battered and broken body... and he drifted further... and further... from consciousness...


     A new red bloomed across a space of dirty forest. Soft petals cushioning a corpse like form from the harshness of cold earth. In a new place there were no thoughts of a past life. Just black.

     Kaneki could not see or hear or sense the world around him, he could not speak or cry for help. Not that anyone would. After all, who would want to help a ghoul like him? A murder. Cannibal.


     Perhaps if he could hear what was going on around him he would've heard foot steps. He would've felt the red velvet leaves shift by him. And he would've given a small cry to the sudden movement of his defeated body.

     If he had even been able to see, maybe he would've seen the blank face above him. As well as the others looking at him with a curious eye.

     But he couldn't.

     Which meant he had no clue what was to come.

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