Chapter 11: Nightmares

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(Art work is not mine. Already 1k... holy shizzle😆 I had no idea my story would even get so far. Thank you to those who still read it and a sincere apology for the long wait. Please vote if you like. Let me know what you thought in the comments. Enjoy.)



     How can this be?  He didn't know Ken got there. Or where he was from... but he did know that the white haired boy was in no condition to walk upon arrival.

     So how the fuck is there an extra set of footprints?! These thoughts raced through Jacks mind and seeming to have no good nor logical reason as to how this happened, he did the most logical thing he could.

     He picked up the eerie and blood splattered mask and followed the prints.

     They were bloody footprints at first, but as they traveled farther into the forest, the amount of blood lessened. However, there were several drops of crimson near each print to make it easier to find and keep track of. But even they lessened an became more spread out.

     At first E.J. thought the blood could've belonged to whomever the prints belonged to. Maybe they were injured like Ken was. But as the blood disappeared, so did that idea.

     So that could only mean who ever it was wasn't hurt and the blood was Kens.

     As E.J. continued to walk, the foot fronts started to get fainter. And fainter until...

     Oh shit...

     E.J. got to the edge of the forest and the foot prints were all most gone.

     Then they stopped all together. And whoever it was that made then was long gone. They had probably been gone for hours.

     E.J. Stood at the edge of the Slendermans forest, looking for any trace of the foot steps left to follow. But seeing as there were none, he took one last glance at the mask in his hand before turning around and walking back into the darkness of the night. Doing his best to cover up some of the blood on his way.


     It had already gotten pretty dark, the eyeless man hadn't even noticed the sun disappeared. During the walk back he had been subconsciously staring at the finds.Until he had tore his gaze from the footprints on the ground and the mask in his hand and saw a dark sky lit with stars. It had been awhile since he had been able to just look up at the sky and take in such a wonderful sight. It filled him with a feeling of calm.

     A feeling that he hadn't had the chance to experience in a while. But he knew it would never last. He could feel something coming. Something big. He knew it had to do with the Slender mansions newest resident... and whatever it was...

     He had to talk to Slenderman.

Kaneki POV

After the almost-incident in the dining area, Kaneki had retired to the confines of his room. He was very fatigued, so it came as a great relief when, after several minutes of wandering the halls, he managed to find the right place.

Before he entered he made sure to look down the hallway, to make sure there was no one coming. The ghoul didn't know why he did this. Perhaps it had just become habit. It wouldn't be surprising. After all, from everything Kaneki had been through so far, the things he seen and done, he'd changed. He was constantly being on high alert when he joined Aogiri. Or had it been even before that? Maybe even when he first became truly aware of what he was.

     But it didn't matter. No matter how tired he was, he knew he wouldn't be able to fall asleep. Well... technically he could, but he would just wake up in a cold sweat, shaking uncontrollably. He couldn't escape his nightmares.

     The nightmares of that time... the nightmares of him.

     They wouldn't go away...

     Kaneki didn't even change out of his clothes. He didn't bother getting under the covers. He was just so hungry and so tired. It was all he could do. Just... drift off... and... sleep...

     Kaneki opened his eyes to be back in the place he never wanted to return. He'd rather die then have come back! But that wasn't an option.

     He sat in the same chair. Arms pull back, wrists cuffed together, as were his ankles. His eyes blurred with unshed tears of pain. He tried to move, but he froze after an overwhelming pain flared from the open gashes on the back of his heel, rendering movement nothing but a hope.

This was how it always started.

But some how-... something felt-...


It started with a chuckle.

It sounded... so familiar. It sent a shiver down Kaneki's pain spiked spine. It was familiar in a dark way. A way that made Kaneki feel worse than he already did- which said a lot.

Usually he came first. He would walk into the cage like room and started to torture Kaneki. Over and over, like he did all that time ago.

Cutting off his fingers and toes over and over and over... and it didn't stop. Not even when the giant centipede forced its way into the young mans ear.

He would laugh

But it hurt so bad.

And every night... he knew that every dream... was closer to... a memory.

With this one, came the centipede. The crazed, murderous, monstrous part of Kaneki.

This time things were more than a night mare... more than a memory...

This was a future.

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