Chapter 14: Strangers

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(I am soooooo sorry. I've actually been having a really busy and productive summer and I guess I've been putting off my writing for a bit so apologies for such a long delay. BUT! Chapter 14 is here now! Feel free to correct any mistakes so I can fix them. Enjoy!)

Kaneki POV

     Kaneki lay in his bed. On top of the freshly laid out sheets, he was sprawled out, arms holding his stomach. He could've swarn it was trying to eat him alive from the inside out. His face was scrunched up in pain.

     He was unsure of the time. But what did it matter? If he left his chamber and it was still early, he risked the chance of running into someone. He didn't think he could control himself if that happened. However, if he snuck out during the night, perhaps no would notice him.

     It didn't matter he supposed. He'd have to face the demons inside of him eventually. Have to satisfy the hunger that threatened to devour him. But he knew that if he did then the all others would know what he was.

     Although maybe that wasn't what bothered him. Not only were there no ghouls here, at least that's what he thought, but he was in a house full of killers and non-human beings. Being different shouldn't be a bad thing here.

     So what was it? Could it be where he's from? Maybe that's it.

     Maybe he's afraid of what the others will think. Maybe he's afraid of what they'll do. If they kick him out he'll have nowhere else to go. If they don't want him here what right would he have to stay. But if he-

     No! That's enough! Kaneki was making his own head hurt. These "what if" kind of thoughts leaving his head spinning. Yes, he would have to tell the others about himself eventually. And it shouldn't change anything. As long as he doesn't give them a reason to mistrust him. As long as he didn't hurt any of them.

     Letting out a long sigh, Kaneki rolled over onto his side. Since when did he care so much what others thoughts. Probably because it was the closest thing he had to a second chance. And he didn't want to mess it up.

     He'd just have to see how things played out for now.

     Maybe find a sufficient enough meal. That's not the unknown from the fridge in the kitchen.

     "Good luck, Kaneki." Centipede's malicious voice drawled in his ear. "Just see if you can control your self." And just like that Kaneki got sucked into a much needed sleep.

     For awhile it was a calm sleep. Kaneki thought he'd finally get some rest... before the nightmares started again. Before a familiar hunger, a hunger akin to when he first became a ghoul overcame him. The ache of starvation was the same. But it was clear that he would soon turn feral. And he wouldn't be in control anymore.

Jeff POV

It wasn't an unusual occurrence that Jeff stayed up late. Or even that he stayed up all night. Not like he could just close his eyes and fall asleep anyways. So, instead during these times he found himself either in the kitchen or the living room, playing video games or watch tv. Sometimes even just sitting in the dark and listening to the sounds of the old house or watching the movement outside the windows.

All in all he had a relatively unhealthy schedule.

That didn't make him any less aware though.

By the time all other residents in the large home had either gone out or gone to sleep, Jeff remained in the dark living room. The only light came from the moon outside, but even that didn't do much to change the dark atmosphere.

     Sometime around the middle of the night, Jeff continued to sit in the black room. He eventually found fatigue catching up with him and began to consider going to bed at last... until he hear a thump in the dark.

     They say to be afraid of the things that go bump in the night. But what kind of killer would Jeff be if he thought that way. He was the bump in the night.

Along with every other person that lived there.

     Best to investigate, Jeff concluded, eager to find out where the noise had come from. Perhaps it was just another resident. Or maybe more prey wandered into the monsters den.
If that was it than they wouldn't like what was coming to them.

     Another noise. A slow, moaning of a door opening. And Jeff rose onto his feet with his hand reaching into his pocket, pulling out his knife. The smooth and sharp blade shining in the moonlight.

    Descending footsteps echoed the on stairs and down the corridor. Coming closer to the room Jeff was in. So he shifted from one foot to the other and left the illumination for a more shady and concealing spot in the closest corner to the door.

     The steps drew nearer and eventually a person with a head of snow white hair and skin just as pale stumbled in.


     Jeff watched Kaneki struggle to support himself on the door way. His eyes open wide, unable to glare. All Kaneki had to do was turn around and he would see Jeff lurking in the dark. But he never did. Instead Jeff traced Kaneki's path into the kitchen. Fatigue obvious.

     Jeff was careful to slip his blade back into his pocket. Not seeing a use for it. Not yet anyway. And resisted the urge to follow the ghoul further. He could see well enough in the black of night. He's had years to do so. And the quiet of the night made even the simplest of noises seem loud.

     The sound of the refrigerator opening brought forth Jeffs' attention once more. Kaneki was crouched in front of it, eye level with one particular shelf. Jeff could see Kaneki's hands disappear into the cool shelves, pushing some something out of the way, and retract, pulling out-


     Jeff could see Kaneki's hands shaking as he pulled out the cool jar. His eyes growing wider, all the while he lets out shaking breath. The lights of the fridge illuminated the boy's face just enough so that Jeff could clearly see the state of hunger that was overcoming him. The hunger over the deep red organs floating in the jar in front of his very eyes.

     Kaneki placed a hesitant hand on
the jar lid, gripping it so hard the tendons on his hands stood out. From a trembling voice, Jeff could make out, "いいえ。"

Kaneki's wrist began to turn, the jar lid beginning to unwind. His voice managed, though not more than a whisper, "いいえ。できません。。。するべきじゃない。" His movement stopped.

And then it started again...

"いいえ、私はすべきではありません。しかし、私はしたい。" Then the lid popped off and Kaneki's breath was caught in his throat. Jeff could smell the old organs from where he was on the other side of the room. He was all for the blood and gore. But he preferred his kills to be fresh and not sitting in who-knows-how-old organ juice for who-knew-how-long. Kaneki however look very enticed. "ひどく。。。" His face fell closer and closer to the top of the glass container and he breathed in what would be a foul odour to any other.

     A grumble of a stomach made maddeningly loud in the silence echoed throughout the room. That was right before Kaneki put and screwed the lid back into place, the clink of the jar roughly being put back into its original position on the shelf and the ruffling and shuffling of the other containers and packages of food to cover the fact it had been pulled out in the first place. Then there was the light groaning of the fridge door being closed and then footsteps as Kaneki stumbled again once more. This time away from the kitchen.

     And back up the stairs.

The moment Kaneki left Jeff's sight and Jeff could no longer be heard by the white haired boy if he moved from where he stood, Jeff stepped forwards into the moon light once more. He let a low chuckle, absolutely livid with his new discovery. This new information was just a stepping stone to unravelling to truth about Ken Kaneki. This new information would only make it easier to find out more.

And if not... well...

It would certainly make things more interesting...

Wouldn't it?

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