chapter 9

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It was the end of the camping trip and the students packed their stuff then went on the bus, izuku and momo were sitting in the back. Momo was laying her head on izukus shoulder, he was about to fall asleep until momo said "i-izuku?" "Yeah momo?" "L-last night when you took me back to the cabin m-my p-parents called me, separately of course, and i t-told them about our r-r-relationship." Momos face went red. "Anyways! T-they would like t-to meet you.." Izuku smiled bright and said "that sounds great! When do they want to meet?" "Well i was thinking that we could see my dad first, he said he would like to meet tomorrow. Then after a few hours over there, we could see my mom?" "Sounds good!" Momo smiled bright and set her head back oh his shoulder, then she closed her eyes. Izuku chuckled then leaned his head on hers and started drifting off, and eventually fell asleep.


Izuku woke up to momo saying his name, he slightly opened his eyes and saw momo in front of his face. "IZUKU!" momo shouted in his face. He fell backwards off his seat and hit the floor, then momo said "we're here." While laughing. Izuku got up while rubbing the back of his head and looked at momo then said "that was cruel." "Hehe i know~" momo said with a smirk. Izuku got back on the seat and went in for a kiss, momo closed her eyes and waited for the kiss. After a few seconds of not izukus lips not being on hers she opened her eyes, izuku was close but he moved his lips to her ear and whispered "i had plans to take you out today but, i guess you dont want to go.." Momo sat back a little bit and started blushing, then shouted "I-I-I do want to! I-i-im s-sorry that i laughed!" Izuku looked at her and laughed. She started to pout and got off the seat and started walking off the bus, izuku grabbed her arm and said "im sorry momo, i needed payback somehow." "So your not taking me on a d-d-date?" "No i am! Im just saying sorry for laughing." Izuku said while smiling.

Momo and izuku got off the bus then got there bags and started walking to the dorms, momo looked over to izuku who was yawning and said "so when are we going?" "Well when we put our stuff away we could go, if you want." Izuku said while looking into the sky, then looked at momo. She nodded and they kept walking. They both got to the dorms and agreed to meet in front of the dorms in an hour, then they both said goodbye and went to their rooms. Momo passed by jirou, jirou looked at her and said "you look happy momo." "Its because izuku is taking me on a date!" She said while smiling. Jirou chuckled while walking
Into her room, momo opened her door and went in then set her bag on her bed while thinking "time to get started!"

~with izuku~

Izuku got to his room and he was gonna walk in until he heard kirishima call out to him. "Yo izuku!" He turned around and replied with "hey kirishima whats up?" "I need a work out partner, do you want to go work out with me?" "I totally would but, im taking momo on a date. Maybe some other time!" "Ahh man thats so manly! I guess I'll  see you later!" Kirishima said while leaving. Izuku went into his room and started to unpack, and thought "this should be easy."


Izuku started running to the entrance, he made it to the front of the dorms just before the hour ended, he was wearing an ALL M hoodie with blue jeans and his red shoes. He was running because he thought he was late, he started to breath heavy and thought "good she isn't here yet haha.." He was lost in thought and he didnt notice momo walked up and hugged him from behind, he jumped a little bit and turned around to see momo holding in laughter. He was about to say something but stopped to look at momo, she was wearing blue jeans red shoes and an ALL M hoodie. He stared for a minute then said "i feel like you did this on purpose.." "Oh no i didn't. I did not know you were gonna wear something all might related and those red shoes." She said sarcastically. Izuku started laughing, then momo did as well, then she said "i knew you were gonna wear the shoes and hoodie but what i did not know is that you were gonna wear blue jeans." With a giggle. "Well you look great momo." Izuku said with a smile. "Should we get going?" He offered his hand, she smiled and took it and they started walking.

A/N: If someone could draw me this you would be amazing. Like them twinning. That would be great.

After walking for a few minutes momo asked "where are we going izuku?" Izuku looked at her and said "your gonna have to wait and see." With a wink. Momo giggled, then looked ahead.
"Momo close your eyes." Momo closed her eyes but to make sure he covered her eyes with his hands, then they started walking again. "Okay we're here!" Izuku said while removing his hands from her face. She opened her eyes and saw "a McDonald's?" She asked. She looked over at izuku who looked like he was gonna burst out into tears because of him holding in a laugh, then said "thats not really the place, i just thought it would be funny." Momo started to pout and said "come on Izuku! Where the place?"

"Haha its across the street." He pointed at a cafe. "It just opened up and i thought you would enjoy it." They started to walk across the street and walked inside the cafe and momo stared in awe, then a server came up and said "welcome to our cafe! Please follow me to your seat." They started following her to their seat, she showed them where to sit and they sat down. "Just flag me down when your ready to order." The server said while leaving. Momo and izuku picked up the menu and sarted looking for what they wanted, then momo looked up and said "the cheesecake looks really good!" Almost drooling over the picture. "It does look good." He waved down the server and ordered for them. "I can't wait for it to get here!" Momo said while thinking about it. "So what should i expect when i meet your parents?" That broke momo out of her trance, then she said "well.. Honestly i dont know.. I've never brought a b-boy h-home before.. So who knows whats gonna happen.."

This made izuku nervous. "S-so im gonna h-h-have to w-wing it then.." "Hehe i guess soo."
They kept talking for a few minutes, then the server came up with their cheesecake and set it in front of them.
Momo grabbed her fork and took a bite and her eyes went big, then said "ahh its so goood!" Izuku smiled and ate too.


It was dark and they just left the cafe, momo was carrying a to-go box and izuku grabbed her free hand. She leaned on izukus arm and said "thanks for taking me out izuku." "Haha no problem. I had a great time." When he finished they were walking in silence, then izuku said "i hope your parents like me.." Momo looked up at him giggled. "Of course they will. They would have no reason to hate you, as long as you are yourself you'll be fine." While smiling.
Izuku looked up and smiled, then said "i hope so.." Momo looked up and said "i almost forgot! The limo is gonna be here at 12:00pm. Make sure your up!" Izuku looked at her with a confused look, then said "limo?!? Thats a little extreme right?!" "Nope!" Momo replied with a smile.

Heyo dudes! I hope you enjoyed this chapter, im thinking maybe the next one will be the last one but who knows? Anyways thanks for reading! Bye!!

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