Chapter 15

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Kennedy's POV

  I avoided the Gallagher house for a few days. I was not the type of girl to go crawling back for a guy and Isn acting like an ass wasn't helping the situation.

   I was in the kitchen pulling out a bowl of strawberries when the front door rang and I heard Daisy talking to someone before a pair of footsteps entered the kitchen.

''Kennedy?'' I froze and turned to face Ian who held out a bouget of wildflowers he most likely picked at the park, but the sentiment was there ''I know you don't like to hear me apologize, so these flowers represent it.''

''I'm allergic to lavender,'' I watched a horrified, panicked look cross his face before I giggled ''I'm kidding! Serves you right though dumbass.'' I accepted the flowers and went to place them in some water.

''I guess I deserved that. So, Jimmy's invited us out to dinner with his family and I figured since you're a member of our family, I wanted to know if you wanted to come?'' I smiled, touched by the gesture and nodded.

''That's really nice. Thanks, Ian.''

  Luckily from what I gathered about Steve/Jimmy, as I was informed by Debbie, was ''loaded'' her words not mine. So I wore my best maternity dress, seemingly overdressed next to the Gallaghers who cleaned up, but not as much as I did.

   I sat between Ian and Debbie who had me help her select something from the menu, Carl going ahead and declaring he wanted a steak, to which I giggled. Ian was staring at Steve's father oddly, but I was too occupied by Debbie to look further into it.

   After a few minutes as everyone was talking, Ian tugged my arm, gaining my attention and he gestured helplessly at the menu. Smiling sympathetically, I leaned over, my eyes running down the different meals before one stuck out to me that I knew Ian would most likely enjoy.

''Try the Carni Muddicati. It's really good with pesto pasta. You've had my moms remember?''

''The fried steak with the garlic salt?'' I nodded and Ian kissed my cheek in thanks. I turned away from him, and locked gazes with Steve's father who was eyeing us oddly before quickly looking away. Furrowing my brows, I shook my head as I selected my own meal.

   A few days later, I was braiding Debbie's hair before she left for school when Frank suddenly stumbled into the house, heading straight for Ian, shoving him against the wall, cursing him for making Monica leave.

    Getting to my feet, I held back Debbie as others tried to pry Frank off of my boyfriend, only to see Steve's green card wife Estefania hit him over the head with a frying pan, cursing at him in Portuguese.

    I steep-sided Frank's form, grabbing Ian's face to check for injuries.

''Southside huh?'' I snorted and pretty soon, we all began to laugh.

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