Chapter 19

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Ian's condition seemingly only worsened after the military funeral they attended, to Kennedy's absolute horror, he became agitated enough to grab a wooden cross and threatened to kill the protesters.

   That was the last straw for her and she promptly informed him that the next morning she's be driving him to see a specialist.

   An hour of arguing only succeded with with Shiloh crying from his crib due tot he sheer volume of their voices.

   Finally it was Ian who surrendered, raising his hands in defeat. "Fine, I'm sorry okay? I'll go try it out. I'll deal with him, you just go take a shower." Ian added once Kennedy left him to tend to the baby.

After a quick shower to wash away the tenseness that arguing with Ian left in her body, Kennedy left the bathroom, she was confused to find the bedroom empty and after slipping on her robe, she walked downstairs, expecting to find Ian in the kitchen or living room but the place was empty.

   A wave of nervousness passed over her and she quickly grabbed her purse, cursing upon realizing her car keys were gone. Dread began to deep into her and she grabbed her phone, biting her lip when his phone went straight to voice mail repeatedly.

  Hysterica than began to take over after she than called Fiona, Lip, Daisy, Kevin, no one having seen the redhead anywhere.

   Desperate, she took Daisy's car to the Milkovich house knocking on the door until shouts could be heard and Mickey opened the door a bat in hand that lowered once he realized it was her.

    "The fuck you knocking so hard on my door for? You woke the damn baby and now my bitchy wife's nagging me." Mickey scowled but his gaze softened slightly at the panicked look on Kennedy's face.

   "Have you seen Ian?" She asked desperately and Mickey shook his head, blinking when the young woman burst into tears on his doorstep before turning and running back to her car.

  "The fuck...... What happened? Hey! Kennedy!" Mickey cursed before chasing after the girl, slamming a hand on her car door as she went to open it. She looked at him, mascura running and her eyes wild with desperation.

   ".....I-I told Ian he had to see a doctor tomorrow because something's not right with him....and he left with the baby. He took my car and he's not answering his phone."

  "Shit,'' Mickey ran a hand down his face before softening his expression as Kennedy whmipered, ''look your kid's probably fine, Ian's just a little hyped or something." Kennedy shook her head, wiping her eyes as Mickey shifted uncomfrtably, not used to dealing with crying girls, espeically ones who's baby daddy's he had affairs with.

"If anything happens to Shiloh, I won't be able to live with myself. I'm going to have to call the police." She admitted and Mickey's eyes widened.

  "Fuck, don't do that! Look, Gallagher will come back. Don't call the cops or they'll arrest his ass and the army's come after him." Mickey hissed, grabbing Kennedy's shoulders.

  "My son's safety is my main concern Mickey! The only thing Shiloh eats is breast milk, what the fuck is Ian going to feed him?" Kennedy growled before pushing the Milkovich away to get into the car. She drove off, leaving Mickey to think and headed straight for the Gallagher house.

   That night she stayed at the Gallagher house, Fiona holding her the entire night. She couldn't sleep, not with her thoughts racing to where her newborn could possibly be. "I never thought he'd do something so reckless..." She whispered and Fiona laid her head on top of her's.

"Ian may be out of it, but he won't let anything happen to Shi." Fiona stroked her hair and Kennedy leaned into her arms. All she wanted was her baby boy, safe in her arms.

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