Chapter 4 : Takoyaki

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 The car stopped and I looked outside the window, amazed at how big the school was. The chauffeur opened the door for us and I thanked him. I noticed there was a huge crowd of girls waiting at the school gate. They were holding signs. And I noticed there was a group of girls for each brother.

"Laito-kun!" said some of the girls. Laito looked at them and winked. All the girls shouted out an aw and melted down. Those must be fangirls, I thought.

When we got inside the school, Reiji took Yui and I aside. "This is your schedule. Please don't get in any trouble. If you have any questions, tell me now."

Yui and I said nothing and then he left. "We don't have 1st hour together," I said examining both of our schedules.

"It's fine, Hana, I can take care of myself," she said. "Besides we have 3 other classes together and homeroom. I'll see you at 2nd hour, okay?" I nodded and we both went separate ways.

I walked down the hallway. There were no students in the hallway, the first bell had already rang and they were all in class already. "Room 211," I mumbled to myself. "Where could that be," I walked passed some classrooms and look at the room numbers above. There were only rooms starting with the number 1. "Ah, maybe it's upstairs," Reiji also told me and Yui that here were 3 floors and the first number of the room indicates which floor the room is in.

I saw a staircase at the end of the hallway and I took the stairs up. I got to the second floor and starting looking for room 211. I turned a corner and I felt a cold air near my ear. I quickly turned around to see Ayato.

"Geez, you scared me to death," I said, putting a hand on my chest, my heart was racing. "Why are you skipping class?"

"Tch, school is boring, " he answered back. "Whatever, I don't want to be more late to my class on the first day of school," I said and walked forward but Ayato pulled on my wrist and dragged me into a room.

"Oi!" I said trying to free my wrist from his hold. He dropped my wrist and said "Make me takoyaki," I look around the room. On the chalkboard it said Foods Room.

"Seriously, you dragged me here just so I can make you some takoyaki?" I sighed. "Great, skipping class on the first day of school."

"Whatever, baka, just make Ore-sama some," he said sitting down on a chair nearby. "What makes you think I can cook?" I said back putting my school bag and blazer that I took off earlier on the table next to Ayato.

"You better make me the best takoyaki in the world," he said looking at me. I pouted and rolled the sleeves of the white school shirt to my elbows.


"This is delicious!" Ayato said stuffing his mouth with the takoyaki. To be honest he looked cute like a little bunny stuffing food into his mouth but at the same time annoying too, he didn't even thank me for making him that. I sighed, putting the dirty dishes in the sink.

"At least help me and do some work too," I said putting away the left over octopus in the fridge. I returned to the table were he was and glared at him.

"What?" he said with a mouth full of his favorite food. "I am helping you, by eating!" he then stuffed his mouth with more. A tick mark appeared on my head and I let out a sigh for the third time today.

"Seriously, you could've at least help me by washing the dishes." I continued babbling and scrubbing at the plates. I then rinsed all the dishes with water when it was cleaned.

"You know what would taste good after eating something savory, something sweet" the tomato head said. "Ayato, I am not making you a cake after all of this, also considering the fact that you didn't even help me clean up one bit" I said turning off the water.

I tensed up after feeling a presence behind me. "I wasn't talking about that," he said behind me. "I was talking about," I was about to turn back to face him but I stopped when I felt his lips on my ears. "Your blood," he finished.

"Ya, I'm not giving you any of my blood!" I said and tried to make a run for it. "Why are you running," he said once I was corner by the window. "I've holding it in ever since yesterday,"

"I made you food already," I said trying to reason with him. "Yes, but now I'm thirsty and I want to drink," his hands reached my chin and turned my head to the left, exposing the right side of my neck. "You're skin looks so delicious, without any bite marks." I once again tried to struggle and get out of his hold. "Let me go," I said trying to push him off me with my hands.

One of his hand grabbed my hands that was trying to push his shoulders and the other on my neck."Ore-sama is going to take your every first experience," and with that his fangs sank into my neck. I've never felt so much pain before in my life. His hand that was holding onto my own let go and moved to hold my shoulder so I would stand up right. I wanted to push him away but I was too weak.

"What's this, I've never had anything this sweet," he said wiping off the blood that escaped his mouth with the back of his hand. My head spun, and I felt like I was going to pass out any minute. He pushed me back and I lay flat on the ledge of the window.

His right hand held my left hand against the wooden ledge and he buried his face into the other side of my neck and did the same thing as before too. My systems gave up on me and I blacked out.

3rd pov

 "You are such a disgrace," a voice enter. Ayato stopped licking the excess blood of the girl's neck as he turned to the voice. "I never dreamed you would do that at this school."

"Damn you Reiji," said Ayato. "I was just getting to the best part."

"You are now responsible for her and make sure she gets home." Reiji said and with that he left. Ayato then reverted his eyes back to the brown haired female laying down. Her eyes were closed and her rosy lips slightly parted. Her neck was decorated with her own blood. And despite her hair being sprawled out underneath her, she still looked beautiful.

He then snapped out of his thoughts. "What am I even thinking," the red head let out a small tch. 

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