12. Lost

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I was driving the next day, Demi leaning forward, and turning her head every five seconds to look out every window of my car.

"I don't understand why she hasn't been out recently." She sounded like she was talking to herself, thinking out loud, so I just followed any directions she gave, her desperately trying to be in the right place at the right time.

She also wouldn't let me turn the radio on, even though I was freaking out on the inside and needed a little background noise. I kept my face calm, both hands on the wheel, looking in every direction before crossing an intersection.

We were in a fairly busy part of the city, the road being four lanes wide, with parking on both sides. There were businesses along the street and people going in and out, walking dogs, smoking. The usual for a Sunday. It seemed to be a lazy day, and there weren't too many cars around the area.

I turned a corner, not paying attention to anyone on the sidewalks unless they were crossing the street.

"She should be somewhere around here," Demi said. I glanced to the left, remembering the area from when we found that alley. "Right," she instructed for the next turn. She sighed, having not seen her, and she didn't tell me where to go, so I kept going straight after the light up ahead turned green.

To my left was a hardware store, and I realized the pizza place I'd been to once had closed and been replaced. I snorted, passing it, and felt Demi shifting around.

"Maia! Stop!"

I slammed my foot down, a string of curses leaving my mouth, the car shaking with the suddenness of my braking, and she already had her seatbelt off and door unlocked. My eyes widened as she ran out, back the way we came, the door not closed fully.

"Dammit," I said under my breath, thankful a car hadn't been behind me when I stopped. I pulled the car over and climbed over the console with my phone and keys, and locked the car as I ran in the direction Demi had gone.

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