19. Bonding

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Rosie stood awkwardly in the living room, like she'd never been in our house before. I guess it was different, seeing as it was now her house. For the time being, and maybe longer, but nobody had heard anything about her mom for a few days.

Sabrina and her husband had helped us move all of Rosie's things over while she was in school, and then gone to to pick her up and bring her over afterwards.

She had her worn looking black floral backpack slung over one shoulder, beat up Chucks on her feet, and faded skinny jeans. Her shirt was the only new thing she had on.

"Make yourself comfortable, sweetheart," Demi said, ushering Rosie to the kitchen. "Are you hungry?"

God, she was already turning into such a mom, but I had to admit, I liked seeing this side of her.

"A little," Rosie said in a small voice.

I followed them, sitting at the counter where I'd left my can of Dr. Pepper. I sipped it, checking my phone to make sure I didn't miss any important texts about work.

Ever since I'd healed from my accident and had been able to work for the magazine that hired me and Abby, I felt like I always had at least two big jobs a week. Demi urged me to take some time off so I wouldn't get too stressed, but I told her I was fine, and if it did get to be too much, I'd take a step back.

Demi gave Rosie a snack of mixed fruit, then decided to start dinner, which of course I had to help with. It was then that we started asking questions.

"So, how's your new school?" I asked.

"Cleaner. Less violent," Rosie said with a small smile.

"Good." Demi couldn't hold back her excitement. "Sabrina was talking about your friends before she went and got you today."

Rosie was sitting down, hands in her lap, head down, eyes up. "Yeah?"

Demi shrugged, handing me a knife.

"What's this for?" I asked.

She didn't answer me. "Are they nice? Do we get to meet them?"

I chuckled, setting the knife in the counter which made Demi turn around, confused. "I told you to start peeling potatoes," she said.

"No, you didn't."

Rosie laughed slightly.

"Shit," Demi muttered, then her eyes went wide. We had a conversation about not cursing in front of Rosie, but clearly she had forgotten. "Sorry," she said. "Well, peel the potatoes, please," she told me, grabbing a fork to stir the macaroni noodles she had just poured into a pot of boiling water.

"Okay, okay." I turned left and right, but didn't see the bag of potatoes. "Uh, where are they?"

Demi froze, glancing around. "Ah, fuck." She held the bridge of her nose with her thumb and forefinger, taking a deep breath. Now that she was trying to cuss less, she was actually doing it more, but Rosie laughed, covering her mouth with her hand.

"Are you guys always like this?" she asked.

"Yes," Demi and I both said, as she shoved a bowl of potatoes into my hands.

"What are we having?"

"Homemade..." Demi trailed off, searching for something in the fridge.

"Barbecue chicken, homemade mac 'n cheese, and mashed potatoes," I said, standing at the island counter so I didn't have to turn to talk to Rosie.

"That!" Demi said. "Maia's mom taught us how to make it years ago, but we've only done it a couple times."

Fear streaked across Rosie's face, then was gone. "Well, I hope I don't get sick," she joked, smiling. She was already fitting in so well with us. I laughed, Demi grinning, starting to boil the chicken in a different pot.

"We're professionals here, so no worries," she said.

I rolled my eyes, and tried to not cut myself peeling the potatoes and cubing them to boil and then be mashed.

Rosie seemed more comfortable, taking out some homework to do while she waited for dinner. Demi and I tried to help if we could, and not distract her, but by the time everything was ready, she had only finished one assignment.

Sitting at the dining room table under a crystal chandelier that Demi had recently gotten, suddenly no one knew what to say.

"It's really good, guys," Rosie said, not looking up from her plate.

Demi smiled, and I knew she was proud of herself, and so was I. We'd both managed not to hurt ourselves or catch anything on fire, and Rosie said it was good. Not just good, but really good.

"Wait until Maia makes cookies," Demi said.

"You bake?" Rosie asked.

"Cookies," I replied, avoiding eye contact and eating my food. One day I wanted to be able to make something besides cookies. Maybe snickerdoodle cookies... Not just chocolate chip.

"So, Maia, can you take Rosie to school tomorrow?" Demi's voice pulled me from my thoughts.

"Yeah, of course." I smiled at both of them. Something told me I was gonna rock this whole mom thing.

I hoped I didn't do anything to fuck it up.

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