20. Decisions

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"Hey, Maia," Demi said as I was getting dressed to take Rosie to school.

"Yeah?" I grabbed some diamond studs to poke in my ears, since it had been a while since I wore earrings and I really didn't want to have to get them re-pierced.

"I actually think it's best if Sabrina takes Rosie to school for now."

I narrowed my eyes at her. She couldn't have told me this before? Well, I probably had a job later anyway, so my expression calmed. "Why?"

"Low profile. I'm not ready to tell the world I—we—have a foster daughter, and if you take her, someone might recognize you and figure it out. Do you mind?" She didn't even give me a chance to answer. "It's just, I know how kids are, and Rosie's only fourteen. I don't want anyone judging her for her situation, being with us."

I nodded, making a face as I tried to get my earring to go through the layer of skin that had begun to close over the back of my hole. "No, I get it. But when do you think we're gonna tell? When she's an adult?"

"I was thinking if and when we adopt her, we wait until she's sixteen." She pressed her lips together. "I said that weird, didn't I? You know what I mean."

I didn't say anything, but I understood where she was coming from. We didn't know if Rosie would stay with us, so Demi wanted to keep the spotlight and attention off of her in case she ended up back with her mom, or somewhere else.

Demi was already dressed, so once I was done with my stubborn earring, we went downstairs where Rosie was on the couch, backpack next to her, looking a little bored. Did she not have a phone?

"Breakfast?" Demi offered.

Rosie slowly made her way over, but didn't sit at the counter. "Do I have time?"

Demi checked the time on her phone. "Sabrina will be here in about thirty minutes. You shouldn't go to a school without at least a little something. Let's see." She started opening cabinets, pulling out two boxes of granola bars. One was chocolate chip and the other was peanut butter and chocolate chip. I reached for the plain chocolate chip box, but she pulled it away.

"Hey! I want one," I said.

Rosie took one of each, thanking Demi and laughing at me acting like a child. I faked a pout until Demi looked at me and rolled her eyes with a laugh.

We talked for a bit, until it was time for Rosie to go. Demi thanked Sabrina for helping, telling her if she couldn't drive Rosie, that she could make other arrangements.

Once they were gone, Demi got a serious look on her face. "I need you to do something."

I didn't answer, just stared back.

"Find out when Rosie's birthday is."

"Oh, God, what are you planning?" She hadn't told me anything about my upcoming 27th birthday.

"Well, it depends when it is, oh, and find out what she wants while you're at it." She started grabbing her bag, a light jacket and her keys and phone.

"What am I? A secret agent?" I asked, following her to the garage. "Where are you going anyway?"

"I got plans. You'll see. And yes, yes you are." She grinned at me before leaning forward for a kiss. I moved my lips against hers for a second before she pulled back. "I love you. See you later."

"I love you too," I said, now unable to stop smiling. I waved as she pulled out of the garage, then headed inside after making sure the door had closed.

I went to the kitchen, wanting a bowl of cereal. As I poured the milk over the colorful loops, I suddenly felt like a stay at home mom. My daughter was off to school and my wife was off to... do something.

I was several minutes into eating when my eyes widened with realization at what I had just thought.

Rosie was my daughter and Demi was my wife.

Neither were official, but it was then that I figured out just how badly I wanted it to be.

Black Into Gold // Demi Lovato // 3Where stories live. Discover now