15. Plan

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The next couple days were quiet, Rosie keeping mainly to herself during meals, talking occasionally. Otherwise, she was resting, something she couldn't do back at home.

One night, Demi finished what she was doing in the bathroom and crawled under the blankets with me. "So, I talked to a cop today."

My eyes widened. She had?

"I was told that if her mom signs her rights away, we can start taking steps to legally foster her."

I heard the nervousness in her voice at this point. Legally, we weren't foster parents so we wouldn't be able to have Rosie until then. "What's gonna happen?" I asked, swallowing hard.

"That, I don't know. They'll either put her in a temporary foster home, or send her to be with her mom, then have her sign away her rights once we're able to foster her."

I nodded my head against the pillow. "Those are the only options?"

Demi just nodded, laying on her side, arm under her head.

It had only been a few days since I met Rosie, but I felt an odd connection to her. And that motherly instinct was taking over, so my mind raced a lot with thoughts about how to protect her. She was genuinely sweet, and she deserved better. And seeing how fond Demi was of her, I wanted Rosie around, safe from anyone that might want to hurt her.

"We're going to the station tomorrow morning," Demi said in a sleepy voice, startling me from my thoughts.

I nodded, letting Demi wrap me in her arms. She kissed my temple, me nuzzling my face in her warm chest.

It seemed to take forever, but it was only about five minutes until I drifted off to a dreamless sleep.


The next morning, Demi and I dressed quickly, and I tied my faded hair into a ponytail. I really needed Abby to do it again. But I wanted something other than purple.

We took Rosie with us to the police station, nobody wanting her to be home alone. She sat with the female officer at the front desk, having a conversation which consisted of a lot of short answers from her end. We met the officer Demi had spoken to previously. Officer Thomas.

He sat us down, reading over our fostering status. "Looks about a month before this all goes through," he told us. "Until then, she can't stay with you." It was shocking to hear, even though I already knew that was the case.

I nodded, Demi asking where Rosie would go.

"Well, I think it's safe to assume she won't want to return to her mother. So, I think the best option is a temporary foster home."

He must have sensed our concern, adding, "And I'll make sure it's a good home. And that you two can visit her."

"How long will it take to find a home?" Demi asked, releasing a breath of relief.

"Could be a couple days. Could be today."

"Where will Rosie stay until then?" I asked.

Officer Thomas leaned back against the back of his chair. "Not sure," he said with a sigh. "But, I'll make sure she's somewhere safe."


Officer Thomas' words comforted me. I knew Rosie was in good hands with him. As we were leaving, we found out the officer at the desk had just gotten her license, so she offered to take Rosie in.

I think we all felt better that Rosie wouldn't be in a total stranger's home. She had taken a liking to the woman, having a normal conversation with her like she did with me and Demi. Well, when she wanted to. She wasn't always much of a talker. Which was fine.

Officer Thomas told us he would get Rosie's mom to sign her rights away, which was the first step to her being temporarily fostered.

Demi was all nerves, not having Rosie at home with us, but we knew the month would go by quickly. Or slowly. Yeah probably slowly.

I sighed, loudly, at the thought of the time going by slowly. All I wanted was for Rosie to be with us, and it was happening. Eventually.

"It'll be okay," Demi said to me as we got ready for bed that night. "Just know she'll be taken care of while we wait. Then, she'll be with us hopefully before we know it."

She held me against her again, me breathing in her scent-her new rose shampoo.

I fell asleep soon after, a small smile on my face.

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