23. Birthday

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"How do you feel? One year older," Demi said to me. I had my new iPhone XR in my hand, only a few people surrounding me. Demi had kept the celebration simple, something I was extremely grateful for. The only people here were us, Rosie, Sabrina and Davis, and Abby. My mom and Demi's family had wanted to come too, but couldn't make it.

"I feel good, I guess," I said, not really sure what else to say. I didn't feel noticeably older, but I figured I would in time. I was sitting on the couch, everyone seated around me. Demi was to my right, Rosie and Abby on the left, Sabrina and Davis sharing the loveseat across the small coffee table.

"Just good?" Rosie asked. "It must be so great, being an adult and being able to do what you want."

Everyone chuckled, but she didn't seem to get it.

"I feel like I'm missing something here," she said, inquisitively.

Abby gently patted her head, shushing her. "Enjoy your youth, child. Adulting is scary."

I shook my head, laughing, and ready for my cake that Sabrina had made from scratch. It was the definition of chocolate, with three layers, and some strawberries between them.

Demi—obviously—led the singing of Happy Birthday, then I blew out the candles, a colorful 2 and 7.

Abby's more morbid sense of humor came out as Sabrina was cutting into it to serve us. "One year closer to death."

"Really, every day is one day closer to death," Rosie replied without missing a beat.

Everyone froze for a moment, then before I knew it, a plate of cake was in my hands.

Demi quickly changed the subject, thanking Sabrina for the cake before asking me what my wish was.

"It doesn't come true, then," Davis said, Sabrina sitting down after everyone had their cake.

"It's proven," Abby put in. "I was always forced to tell, and my wishes never came true."

"What'd you wish for?" Rosie asked.

I couldn't listen for the first few things she listed-something about ice and trees?-because I was in absolute chocolate nirvana. She'd called it strawberry fudge cake and I wanted one every year.

"I remember for my fifteenth birthday, I wished for a boyfriend. I was so embarrassed when I had to say that one, but as usual, it didn't happen. At least not until college. Then I kicked my mental fifteen year old self. I quickly found out girls are better." She shrugged, eating her cake, clearly done proving her point.

"Okay, okay," Demi said. "I'll just have Maia tell us after it comes true then."

I glanced over to see her smirking.

"How do you even know I wished for something?" I asked.

"I've known you for a very long time. You always make a wish."

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