18. News

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It was the beginning of March now and Demi shook me awake.

I jumped up, tangling my feet in the covers, thinking that the house was on fire or maybe the apocalypse was starting.

"Get ready," she said, throwing random articles of clothing at me from my closet.

I put on a nice black lace shirt with a black cami underneath and my nicest jeans. Why did she throw me such nice looking clothes?

"What's going on?" I asked, grabbing my brush to run through my electric blue hair. I was still obsessed with the color and had Abby touch it up every couple weeks.

"We have a meeting today." She was rushing around, trying to get dressed and do her hair and makeup all at the same time.

She's so dressed up... What's going on?

"This early?" I asked, checking the time on my phone

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"This early?" I asked, checking the time on my phone. I mentally sighed, knowing I needed a new one. Every time I saw the cracked screen, it just transported me to those horrible memories from Nashville.

Demi checked her own phone. "Well, it's not until ten, but I didn't want you procrastinating."

I acted offended, but she was probably right. Sometimes I just got a little distracted and it made me late to important things. "Okay, so what's this meeting for?" I asked, stepping up to Demi so I could apply her winged eyeliner.

Once I finished, she grabbed a light pink lipstick and coated her lips with it. "Fostering stuff," she said, dropping the tube in her bag. "By the time your birthday comes, we're probably gonna have a daughter!"

I stood there stunned for a moment, her words sinking in, but I quickly found the flaw. "We're just fostering her."

"Foster daughter." She rolled her eyes. "Happy now? But, if things go well, we can adopt her."

I smiled at her excitement. All she wanted was to help people and she was finally getting to do that. It was all happening so fast, though, and it terrified me.


"Congratulations, you're officially licensed foster parents."

Demi was bursting with excitement, gripping my hand.

It felt so surreal. We had talked about it for a while, and now it was official. Rosie would be with us now. As much as she seemed to like Sabrina, she seemed to like Demi, and even me, more.

"There is one little issue," our agent said, ruining the happy moment for us. We stared at him, waiting for the bad news. "Rosie's mother isn't giving up her rights too easily."

"What... What does that mean?" I asked.

"It means she wants custody of her daughter. She just has to complete ninety days or possibly more days in a rehabilitation facility and show she is a fit parent."

It was quiet for a moment.

"You'll still foster Rosie," he said. "But I'm just warning you now, if you do plan on adopting her, it won't be easy if her mother is able to prove she's a fit parent."

Demi nodded, letting this news sink in. She squeezed my hand.

Neither of us had anticipated Rosie's mom getting help so she could gain custody again.

As far as we all knew, Rosie had no contact with her mom anymore. And she didn't seem to want to have any part of her old life. She had started school again, at a better one with no bad reputation attached. From the conversations Demi and I had with her, she seemed happy there and already had a few friends.

Everything was going so well.

It would tear me apart if it all got ruined because of this.

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