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     AS BEVERLY got to them, Dave elbowed Elise in the stomach. "Um, t-thanks." Bill said, looking between Elise and Beverly who were making complete eye contact. "Even Steven," the girl said as she raised a pack of cigarettes and Timothy looks at Dave who looks back at him with a small smirk, making Bill look at the two right away only to look away, at the ground. Beverly smiled at Elise once more before looking down the alley, at Ben.

"Ben from soc?" The girl said before walking away, making Elise follow right away. Bill, David and Timothy do the same. "Are you okay? That looks like it hurts." Beverly said, catching the group's attention. "No, I'm good, I just fell." Ben said. "Yeah, right into Henry Bowers." Richie says.

"Shut it, R-Richie.." Bill said, almost as if he didn't want Beverly to know. "Why? It's the truth." Richie said and Dave looks at Timothy. "Are you sure they got The Right Stuff to fix you up?" Beverly said, smiling widely and winking at Ben who smiled right away, looking down then back up at her. "He's fine with E-Eddie's help, thanks again, Beverly." Bill said and Elise looks at Beverly.

"Sure, maybe I'll see you around," she says and Elise looks at Timothy and David with an alerted look. "Yeah, we're, um, going to the Q-Q-Quarry tomorrow, if you all wanna come, David and Elise can come too, if you guys want.." Bill said, looking at Timothy's friends. "You guys want to..?" Timothy said, trailing off, looking to his two friends who both nod. Elise looks at him then at Bill. "Yeah, sure," She says and David looks at Timothy.

"Definitely," the blonde says as he smiled and Timothy smiles back right away. Bill is watching them for a second before he looks at Beverly. "Beverly?" He says and she looks up.

"If El goes.." Beverly said as she smiled at Elise who blushed, smiling back right away. "Sure thing." Elise said with a nod before the two are walking away. "I'm gonna go with them, catch you later?" David asked, squeezing Timothy's hand with his gently before walking away, Bill took notice at that then looked away, looking down.

"See you later, Dave." He says and Dave jogs to catch up with the two girls who he wraps his arms around with a smile. "Nice going bringing up Bowers in front of her." Stan said to Richie making Timothy look at them. "Yeah dude, you heard what she did." Eddie said and Timothy rolled his eyes, looking down. Personally, he didn't believe the rumours, he knows now Elise is technically seeing Beverly, so whatever rumour about Beverly and a guy would be false seeing how she is a lesbian.

"What'd she do?" Ben asked, curiously. "More like who'd she do? From what I hear, the list is longer than my wang," Richie said as he grabbed his crotch making Timothy scrunch up his face. "That's not saying much," Stan said and Timothy chuckles then looks at all of them.

"They're just rumours." Timothy says and Richie looks at Ben. "Anyway, Bill had her back in third grade. They kiss in the school play," at that, Timothy looks at Bill who doesn't look at him, the boy only fakes a smile as he looks down. "The review said you can't fake that sort of passion!" Richie said and Timothy looks at him.

"About some kids?" He says with a confused look and Richie looks at him with a smirk. "You sound jealous." He says with a wink and Timothy rolls his eyes as he looks away. He looks at Bill who looked at him, blushing and forcing a small smile, he looks down, crossing his arms. "Now," Richie said, clapping his hands. "Pip pip, and tally ho my good fellows! I do believe this chap requires our utmost attention. Now, get in there, Dr. K and fix him up!" Richie said, still using a British accent.

"Why don't you shut the fuck up, Einsteinbecause I know what I'm doing and I don't want you doing the British guy." Eddie said. "Suck the wound! Get in there!" Richie said in the same British accent anyway as Eddie looked up at him.

"Guys, I'm gonna head on home.." Timothy says as he picked up his bike and Bill looked over right away. "I-I-I'll c-come with, T-Timothy." Bill said right away, glancing at his friends who all gave him a look. "Y-You guys got it h-handled.. right?" Bill says with a hopeful look and Richie smirked.

"Totally! You go handle him." He said and Stan rolled his eyes but Timothy ignored that, getting on his bike and driving away with Bill following. The two drove on their bikes side by side in silence until Bill decided to speak, "s-s-sorry about today, we don't usually h-have to help b-b-bleeding boys.." Bill said and then they arrive at their places, both coming to a stop as they stood in the middle of the street since they lives across from each other.

"No big deal.." Timothy said, getting off his bike and Bill smiles. "And, um.. I-I really hope y-you come to the Q-Q-Quarry." Bill says and Timothy nodded with a smile. "Of course, yeah.. I'll be there." He says and Bill smiled more, nodding before he got off his bike as well. "I'll s-s-see you."

"See you, Bill.." Timothy said, walking alongside with his bike, putting it away in the garage where his father still was, sitting in the car, holding the wheel with his forehead. "Any progress at all today, dad?" He asked as he set his bike down leaning against the wall and the man looked up.

"Oh, hey son.. And no, not really. I mean, I fixed the problem underneath but there's something else.." He said with a sigh and Timothy nods. "I'm gonna go see if mom needs help with anything inside.." He says and then heads inside the house.

He heads to his bedroom first, putting his backpack down by his desk, before turning around only to see his mom at the door. He walks into his bathroom, washing his hands and then something moving caught his attention so he looks over to the wall and it just kept moving after that, along with the other walls, until it was a small space, he is looking around, breathing heavily.

"What the fuck?" He whispered as his hips hit the bathroom sink, clutching it then looks out the bathroom door to see a clown at his bedroom door, grinning widely. He gasped softly, "do you wanna float?" The clown asked and he rushed out the bathroom, he was gonna leave through that door but with the clown there, he rushed over to the window, he looked at the clown again. "You having fun, Timmy?" The clown said, drool dripping off his lip as the room started moving too, closing in on Timothy who looked around.

He whimpered, turning and opening his window. He rushed out the window, jumping onto the garage, and jumping off that roof, frightening his dad who ran over. "Timothy, what the hell?!" He yelled, grabbing onto Timothy's arms.

"The-there was a clown in my room!" He says and his father looks up at his open window, where the same clown stood but his father didn't see him as he shook his head, sighing. "You're making up stories again, just like how David and you use to." He says as he lets go of Timothy who was riled with fear. "I'm gonnna go check your room, and you'll see, there is no clown, Timothy." His father said and he followed right away. "Dad, no!" He says.

His father ran upstairs and into his room and he did the same, stopping, shock written all over his face when he saw that the clown wasn't there anymore. "Dad.. I swear.." He says as he looked into his bathroom and his dad sighs.

"Timothy. You're fifteen, now isn't the time to let you mistake your imagination as reality." He says and Timothy sighed, looking around the room. "Sorry, dad.." He says and then the man left his room, Timothy sits down, looking down at the ground as he sighed, shaking his head.

"It wasn't real.."





authors note kinda wanna write more of bill and timothy but like it's hard?? oof

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