Chapter Five

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Song: Sing My Name - MzVee

**Unedited** (It izz what it izz😋)

"Where are we going? Are we leaving Gbevukope?" I asked, sliding my finger against the leather.

"Yes. We're going to a nearby town," she replied pulling out a device from her jeans pocket. She held the device to her face and began tapping it with her thumbs.

"That is a beautiful phone," I told her. It was an iPhone ten. I'd seen some on television.

"I have one too. Just reach into my pocket. You can wander. Touch anything," Justus said.

"Ignore him," Stacey said, glaring at him. "Let's take a picture."

"Okay," I agreed.

Justus tried to fit his face into the picture, but Stacey shoved him away. He leaned against the door in mock sadness, pouting like a baby.

Stacey held the phone high to take the picture.

I'd seen people do that on television and I thought they were crazy or that they were just trying to show off their phones, but I realised then that it was to get a better angle for the picture.

"The picture quality is so good," I said after she showed me the picture.

I refrained from complimenting the picture because I knew that if I tried to say something like she looked nice, it would sound fake. I was never really good at complimenting girls.

"You're hot," Justus said, snatching the phone away from Stacey. "Stacey, you're ruining the picture."

"Why do you hate me?" Stacey asked, frowning playfully.

"Because for some reason, you refuse to leave Elorm and I alone."

"And where should I go?"

"I don't know. Get out. We'll come for you tomorrow," he smirked at me.

"Even if Stacey wasn't here, there still would have been no hope for you and me."

Stacey burst out laughing. "Say that louder."

"Just give me one night to change your mind."

"Desperate much?" Stacey asked, rolling her eyes.

"It's not desperation. It's persuasion. There's a difference."

"Ever heard of seduction? Desperation or persuasion is highly unattractive," I told him.

He shoved Stacey away and crawled over to me. He wrapped an arm around my waist. "Now we're talking. If you wanted me to seduce you, you should've given clearer signs."

I shoved his arm off. "I didn't give you permission to seduce me."

"I don't need your permission."

"I think I'm going to vomit. At least, wait till I'm not around to start whatever it is that you plan to do to her."

"He's not going to do anything to me."

"Yes, I will."

"Shut up Justus," Stacey said, exasperated. She shoved him aside and returned to her seat between us. "You asked where we are going?"

"Yes. I did. Where are we going?"

"We're going to the mall."

"The mall? Which mall?" I asked. "Saying we're going to 'the mall' is like saying we're going to 'the school' or 'the hospital'."

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