Chapter Fifty-Three

219 49 14

Song: Hold Me Now—MzVee (Misandrists are giving feminists such a bad name)

*Unedited* (I didn't even read through, I'm so tired)

"Careful, careful!" I hissed, moving out of Edinam's reach.

"I'm being careful," she laughed. "It's supposed to hurt." She put the swab of cotton wool back on the bed and capped the bottle of methylated spirit. "You shouldn't leave open wounds uncleaned. It's dangerous. Imagine dying from tetanus because of such a tiny knife wound."

"How embarrassing. If it did happen though, you'd pay someone to change the cause of death on my death certificate, right?"

She smiled, showing off her pearly whites. "Of course."

"Is she going to be okay?" Tsey asked, coming to sit beside me on the bed.

"Yes, of course," Edinam laughed at his expense. Her gaze shifted and focused on Atsu. "You're just going to stand there and ignore me?"

Atsu frowned. "You mean the same way you ignored us when we were starving?"

Edinam shifted her glasses on her nose, sniffed and looked away. She didn't say anything. She opened the first aid box and took out a plaster, then placed it over the wound. "All done. Now rest. Look at your leg."

"What's wrong with my leg?" I looked at, turning it over.

"It's swollen."

"No, it's not," I frowned.

"It is. Touch it and see if you feel no pain. No wait, let me do that," she leaned forward and applied pressure to the back of my thigh.

I didn't expect it to hurt as much as it did. I yanked it away from her out of pure reflex, cursing under my breath. "Well, son of a beach."

"Exactly. Get some rest."

"I can't," I sighed. "Michael just arrested the guy who's been helping me, for no reason!"

"What? Michael, the love of your life Chief Michael?" She frowned. "It did strike me as strange when he told us that you killed his father. It sounded so weird. You were supposed to be executed if you ever came back here though."

"Love of my life," I repeated, ignoring every other thing she said because I already knew that. "You have a lot of catching up to do."

"He's abusing his power," she said.

"I know right. He threw Kofi in jail for defending himself when he was the one who threw the first punch."

"Still, no matter what, you can't keep hurting that leg. What happened to it anyway?" She edged closer to inspect the limb.

"I broke my femur. It was a stress fracture."

"Stress fracture? What were you banging your leg against a door repetitively or what? Please, go ahead and lie to me."

I giggled. "Oh, how I've missed you," I shot forward and tackled her into a forced hug. She groaned, laughing a little bit and complaining about how heavy I was. Atsu rolled his eyes and left the room.

"What's with him?" Tsey asked.

I shrugged. "Eddie, um, can you come with me to visit him or something? Can we though?"

"It's just jail, you can visit anytime. Come on, let's go," she helped me stand up in a way which wouldn't put too much strain on my leg. "You should be resting that leg. When I heard that you'd gotten attacked yesterday, I couldn't fight it anymore. I had to come and see you. If I'd known you were in such a state, I would've come earlier."

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