Chapter Twenty-Nine

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Song: Selfish Pt. 2 - King Promise ft. Simi

*Unedited* (Because we all failed Oluwatoyin 'Toyin' Salau)

Kofi drove through the gates of the mansion and stopped the car, yet neither of us got out. I was worried about Etornam, strangely enough. What if the doctors needed a relative of hers to talk to or something that involved someone being there for her? Now, I knew she wouldn't appreciate my presence over there, but I think - at least - she'd be glad knowing that someone cared.

"What are you waiting for?" Kofi asked.

I spared him a glance. "I'm not going to be okay if she's in the hospital alone."

"Okay." He replied, as he sparked the car to life.

I frowned. "Wait, you're going to take me back? Wow, that's so unlike you."

"No you idiot. I'm just parking well. I don't care if you're not okay."

Of course. I'm an idiot.

When he had parked the car well, I jumped off and rushed back into the mansion, remembering Michael. I went up to their room, but all I saw was the pool of blood she'd left behind. He wasn't there.

"Michael?" I called out. He wasn't in the best state of mind. I was afraid that he might do something stupid. I combed the entire room, but he wasn't there. "Michael?"

I rushed downstairs with the intent of searching the mansion, but realising it was too huge, I went back outside to Kofi. He was still in the car. He was leaning his head against the seat with his face in his hands; the glass was down.

I stared for a few seconds. Baffled.

"What do you want?" He asked all of a sudden, making me jump.

"Um..." I smoothed my hair. "Michael."

"You want Michael?" He removed his hands from his face and I saw that he looked amused.

"N-no. I mean, um-"

"Why are you so flustered?" He asked.

Yes, Elorm. Why?

I took in a deep breath. He chuckled. "Michael is missing." I said.

"Missing? Is he a two-year-old? The man can go wherever he pleases."

"Did you see him before we left? He was in shock, now you might not know what that is -"

"I know what shock is," he rolled his eyes. "he'll be fine. Maybe he's just gone to see her." At that, he got down from the car.

"What if he hasn't?"

"What are you thinking, that he's gone to kill himself or what?"

"Of course not," I said. "I just... I don't know, I have a bad feeling."

"A bad feeling? That's why you're disturbing me?" He frowned. "You know, I really don't care if he kills himself. Really. Get out of my sight."

I frowned. "You don't always have to be this mean."

"I know. I want to."

I glared at him as he walked away. I went back inside and went to their room one last time to check. Michael must've been somewhere else when I checked the first time, but this time, there he was, on the balcony. He was staring into the sun as his hands gripped the railing tightly.

"Michael," I sighed with relief.

He stiffened at the sound of my voice, but I didn't care as I raced up to him and hugged him from behind. He didn't say anything. I wasn't sure whether he was still in shock, seeing that he was just staring into the sun like it wasn't unbearably hot and damaging to his eyes.

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