Chapter Twenty-Five

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Song: Say You Love Me - KiDi

"How stereotypical," Etornam sneered. "A girl just has to be pregnant if she vomits."

"You just vomited three times within three minutes. We've been eating the same food. I would be suffering too if it was something wrong with the food," I replied.

"Haven't you considered, you idiot, that not everything that will sit right with you will sit right with me too?"

I shook my head, seeing that she was right, yet, I couldn't shake the feeling off. She was pregnant. I was sure of it. "I know you're pregnant. Who's the father?" I demanded to know.

"Even if I were pregnant, obviously the baby would be Michael's," she glared at me.

"No, it wouldn't. I know Michael wasn't cheating on me. There's no way that baby belongs to him," I pointed at her belly.

She ignored me, flushed the toilet, and rinsed her mouth at the sink. "I'm not pregnant. Just sick."

"I always knew that you were the real whore. You don't even know who the father of the baby is, do you?"

She glared at me. "Shut up! You don't know anything about me!"

"You didn't either! You still managed to ruin my life by spreading false rumours!" I said. Her eyes widened in shock. I smiled bitterly. "Yes, I know you started them all. Now look at you. I imagine that Michael will be elated to hear that his 'decent' fiancée is pregnant with another man's child."

"You won't tell him anything!" She shrieked.

"Who's going to stop me?"

"He won't believe you."

"Maybe, but you can't hide a pregnancy."

"The baby is his. Michael and I have always been a thing, even when you were together!"

"That's a lie! Even still, that's not enough time! If you're already showing symptoms, you must be five or six weeks along. Michael and I were together for barely a week and before that, he was in the city. Schooling. There's no way the baby is his."

"I'm telling you; it is his!"

"No, it's not!"

"Oh goodness, why am I even wasting my time with you? Get out of our room. This is none of your business!"

"Really? My business or not, Michael will find out about your bastard child."

"You stupid witch!" She ran at me but I quickly left the room and shut the door.

Was I a bad person for feeling happy? For feeling a bubbling energy at the bottom of my stomach?

I know what people say about revenge, but this was too much to hold in. She deserved this. She deserved all the humiliation this would bring. She did worse to me and even then, I was completely innocent.

I will tell Michael. Who knows? She might be planning to sleep with him and pin her bastard child on him. I was doing him a favour, if you think about it. I was so happy that I didn't notice when a smile spread across my face, my lips stretching from ear to ear.

I skipped over to Kofi's room, frowning when I realised that I had probably waited all the five minutes. I knocked obnoxiously if only just to annoy him.

When he opened it, he frowned a confused frown. "You look happy."

"I'm frowning."

"But I can see that you're happy."

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