3. Sorry

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He walked up to me, and held my hands as he opened his mouth..

"Please don't say anything," he started, "I'm sorry, and I know that it will never be able to make up for how much pain I've hurt you, but I am sorry. I'm sorry for ever laying a finger on you to hurt you, for shouting at you and calling you names that are not true and never will be"

Shawn lifted my chin up, forcing me to look in his eyes, I couldn't for long, it hurt how much pain he was in even though he cause me more pain.

He took another step closer, and moved his hands down to my waist as a support system, you see I was still quite week from the other mornings beatings.

"I promise you, so so much that I won't lay a finger on you ever again, unless it's in a caring or comforting way. I know I wasn't there for you when you needed it the most but I'm hear now. You can scream, hit, and do anything you want to me but you've got to promise me you won't hurt me by ignoring me, I won't be able to handle that. I've never really been good with telling you my feelings, but I do love you, and I know I showed it in the worst way out there but I do, I really do. Your my everything and I don't want to lose you.."

I couldn't say anything, I just nodded, he let go of me and slowly walked out, I guess he was giving me space to think.

What I really needed to do was talk to my sister, talk to her about everything that just happened. My sister was Assetou, she was my best friend, she always has been, apart from Shawn, she was always there for me, she always knew what to say and I love her for it.

She was in London right now, so we had completely different time zones. She was on a vacation with my mum and dad, I didn't get the invite, but I'm okay with that, it was about 11 o'clock in the morning, so it would be about 5pm for her. Pressing the call button, I waited for her to answer, after the 5th ring she did.

I missed her voice so much, we hadn't seen each other for a while now, and I was glad to hear her comforting voice.

After I explained to her what happened, she already knew that Shawn hits me, or used to I'm not sure yet. She told me I should forgive him, I wasn't too sure.

"But Assetou, what if he hurts me again, I don't think I'll be able to go through that again"

"He won't Karlee, if he made that much effort to apologise, he wont physically or mentally hurt you on purpose ever again."

And when she said that I believed her.

We caught up for a couple more minutes, not for too long as she had to go wash up for tea. When Assetou had to go, I decided I should go find Shawn. After all he needed to hear what I was going to say.

He was sat in the living room, watching Greys Anatomy, but not paying attention to it.

"Shawn.." I whispered, scared to speak normally, "I.."

This is a short one, sorry guys

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