8. One Month

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Just as I was about to pull back, it didn't seem like he wanted to kiss me - he wasn't leaning in. He pulled my head closer, gently placing his lips on mine. It wasn't a kiss full of lust, it was a simple peck on the lips, the ones I loved. Just the smallest things he does, like kissing my head, holding my hand or even just sitting next to me, always gave me butterflies. Every single time.

One month had gone past since he last hurt me, I'm glad he didn't go back on his word. It was also technically our anniversary, 2 years, the only thing I really wanted to do was watch movies, eat pizza and cuddle. I'm guessing Shawn was fine with that, he wasn't asking for us to do anything else.

I was actually surprised that he was letting me choose films, I was more of a romantic person rather than a horror, but a comedy would always make me laugh. I'm not sure why, but romantics always made me emotional, maybe it was because something always went wrong or started of wrong and then got resolved? No idea.

The very first film I wanted to watch was Me Before You it was an all time favorite, and of course we had to watch Marley and Me. At the end of the day I just loved the cute, cliche films more than anything else.

We started watching films about 2 O'clock, and now it was 5, I was really hungry.

"Shawn..?" I whispered, he was fast asleep, a gap in his mouth and light snores filling the room. Grabbing the blanket, I gently placed it over him, kissing his head while I turned the oven on for the pizza. I didn't really want to watch any more films, I just wanted to eat and sleep whilst cuddling.

When the bell dinged signalling that the pizza was done, I went back to the front room, shaking Shawn, waking him up.

He probably smelt the pizza, it was ham and pineapple on one half for me, and cheese on the other. Once we ate our food and had a drink, Shawn told me to go get ready for bed whilst he put everything away, of course I tried to help but he lightly pushed me out of the room towards the stairs.

Only wearing Shawn's top and my panties, I pulled the comforter and duvet back and slid in the bed. No longer then 5 minutes later, Shawn came in, stripping down to his boxers, and he slid in the bed next to me. Pulling me closer to his chest, I wrapped my arms around him, laying my head down, and let sleep take over me.

The last thing I remember was him kissing my head, stroking my hair and saying that he loved me, and then everything went black.

Shawn's POV
I wanted to do something. Something special and that she's not used to. We've never really gone away together, and now, because we're sorting everything out, I wanted to take her away. I didn't want it to just be a date, I wanted us to do this cute cliche things, like going on walks in the evening, just doing everything together.

The place I know she's always wanted go was Paris, she's always going on about how beautiful it looks; day or night. So why not take her?

Because I owned a business, I had a lot of money, some from when I was younger that I saved up but most from what I made.

My business was a modelling industry, Mendes' Models, I enjoyed it, and no, I'm not one of those guys that works with women and stares at them. I don't need to. Not when I've got Karlee.

The only problem with owning a modelling industry was that I knew Karlee always thought I was going to end up cheating on her. I'm not that guy.

I know that I'd never end up cheating on her, or anyone. But then again I also thought I'd never hit a woman, I'm trying to keep the cheating scenario from happening. I don't want that.

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