Chapter Seven- Closer

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(A/N): This chapter gets graphic. One more thing, I was listening to Closer by  King of Leon and thought that would be a perfect name for this chapter. Anyways, enjoy!(:

Your eyes widen as you let you a gasp. A charming looking Damon chuckles. His eyes never leaving yours. Damon's jet black hair is brushed to the side, his black leather jacket complimenting the white button-up shirt under it. Your heart is pounding in your chest as Damon takes a seat across from you. 

Matt walks by and Damon stops him.

"Hey buddy, can I have two bourbons please?" He asks sounding way more polite than usual. Matt nods his head and walks towards the bar. You're completely speechless and you pull out your phone to call your sister. The phone rings a couple of times before it goes straight to Elena's voicemail. Her cheery voice sounding through the phone. You hang up in frustration as Damon laughs. You roll your eyes at him not being able to process what's going on.

"(Y/N), can I have your complete attention tonight and if this doesn't go as you'd like it to you can call it off and I'll promise never to see you again?" Damon's smooth, calm voice escapes his lips and all you could do is stare at him. Matt passes by with two drinks in hand. He places the drinks in front of the two of you before leaving. You feel compelled to grab ahold of Matt's arm and ask for his help but you resist the urge, taking your drink and gulping it down instead. 

Damon laughs and does the same, smacking the glass cup on the table. He gets up and holds his hand out. You reluctantly take it and he grabs a hold of your hand. Damon's warm hand wrap around yours and you two leave The Grille.


"How've you been, (Y/N)?" Damon asks as you both walk hand in hand. The streets are quiet and the night sky reveals a full moon. "Fine." You say all too quickly. Damon looks at you before stopping, his crystal blue eyes looking into yours. "(Y/N), I'm so sorry for the way I've been acting it's just I've had my humanity switch turned off for so long that I didn't care who I hurt in the process." You say nothing to him and instead, you nod your head in agreement. "I know, Damon." You finally answer him and smiles at you. "Are you ready to have some fun?" He asks and you smile at him amusement filling your face while Damon chuckles. He takes his car keys from his jean pocket and jingles them around. You both walk up to his 1969 blue Camaro

You buckle your seatbelt and Damon starts the engine pulling out from the parking space. Damon floors it with the top down and your (H/C) colored hair is flying in all different directions. You both laugh as you put your hands in the air, cheering. You and Damon arrive at your destination. The Salvatore house. You give him a puzzling look before he opens the door for you. You expect to see Stefan and Elena's car parked on the driveway but it's not. You smile, relief taking over you as you begin to feel more at ease in Damon's presence.

Damon plays a song on the radio while you poke the fire. He chuckles while he holds his hand out. You take his hand and he places his hands on your waist. You look up at him while putting your arms around his neck. Damon smiles at you while you two sway back and forth to the music.

"You're a really good dancer." You hear yourself say and Damon chuckles, his blue eyes studying your face. "Thanks, you're not so bad yourself." He teases. You continue to sway in circles even when the music stops. You place your head onto his shoulder. The warmth from his body radiating. "You know, I've always had a crush on you." You admit, your cheeks burning red. Damon grins his eyes turning soft from your confession. "Since the moment I met you, I thought you were stunning (Y/N) Gilbert." Your name lingering on his lips and your heart racing, Damon inches closer to your lips. 

Yours Forever, Damon Salvatore x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now