Chapter Five- Recovery

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(A/N): I just wanted to let you know this chapter is long, I do apologize, I never intended for it to be so long. I guess I got carried away!😀

Damon's P.O.V.
Damon smiles satisfied with the effect he had on you.

From now on (Y/N) won't be able to resist me. He thought to himself a devilish grin appearing on his smooth face.

He loves the thought of you lusting after him. Sure, he'll still use you as a blood bag but this way it'll gain your trust. Damon never would've thought he'd get locked up in the dungeon so soon.

Once he's able to get his hands on that stunning (Y/N) Gilbert the wild sex, blood, and parties are on.
You decided to take a quick shower before heading to bed. That intense dream still filling up space in your mind. It felt all too real. You wrap the covers Elena had given you over your head trying to repress those desires for Damon.

After everything he put you through, he doesn't deserve you. You think to yourself, tossing and turning every so often.

You stifle a sigh and close your eyes, sleep finally taking a hold of you.

You dream you're at the Salvatore house. You're at the front door but before you could knock Damon opens the door. You could feel your heart beating faster and faster. Damon closes the door behind you.

"So, (Y/N). Let's have a drink." Damon takes your hand and fills two glasses filled with bourbon. He downs his glass and places it on the table. His sharp blue eyes never leaving your body.

"C'mon (Y/N), don't be such a baby. Down that sucker." He winks at you and grips the glass filled with bourbon. Forcing you to down the drink.

You start to cough and your throat feels like it's on fire. Damon inches closer to you, grabbing ahold of your face. He takes a whiff of your (H/C) hair and kisses your lips.

Kissing him feels so intoxicating to you that you can't get enough. You wrap your arms around his neck and he picks you up, walking up the stairs with you in hand.

He takes his time, walking to his bedroom. Approaching Damon's bedroom, he plops you down on his king sized bed.

Wow, his room looks so elegant. You think to yourself.

Damon chuckles, his enchanting blue eyes looking into yours.

"I never said anything." Damon points to his head.

"I can read minds, remember? Or did Stefan not tell you?" You scrunch up your nose at the mention of his brother's name.

"I don't want to think about him right now, I just want you." Damon smirks at you as takes his shirt off revealing the same sculpted body you once dreamed of. He holds your face, gently placing kisses to your lips.

I hope this isn't a dream. You think to yourself, Damon busy kissing your neck.

"(Y/N), it's more than a dream." You look at him confused but then you quickly remember Stefan telling you about dream manipulation that vampires possess.

You smile not caring that Damon is invading your dreams. You actually feel flattered that he'd go out of his way to make you feel wanted.

Yours Forever, Damon Salvatore x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now