Chapter 2

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He looked at me and said, "Well look at this, someone is in love with a killer. And just to add the red eyes are really cute." I didn't know my eyes had turned red so, chuckled and said, "Answer me mister killer, am I your girlfriend or not?" He shook his head no. I looked down and cupped my head in me hand and started to cry. I loved him, and he broke my heart. His pale skin went great with his coal black eyes. His long black hair was just gorgeous. He picked up my head and faced me. He then said, "Y/N your E/C eyes make my stomach turn in knots. Your H/C is amazing. The blue dye in the tips of your hair is lovely. Your smile was already amazing and now even more amazing than it would ever be. And I want you to be my girlfriend, but me im a killer and you a human it just won't work. I don't want you to get hurt or even worse die. I would never ever forgive myself. I'm sorry Y/N sweetheart." I looked at him with a worried expression as the tears rolled in rivers down his face. I looked at him and said, "I want to tell and show you something is that alright?" As he nodded his head yes I asked him if he knew about the incident at the cafe in El Paso from a few weeks ago. The incident was 3 people were pulled limb from limb, 2 stabbed, 1 choked, and the rest were burned to death in the fire from the cafe burning down. He nodded his head once again and he said, "Whoever did that is amazing! They surpassed me even!" I laughed and said, "Well my sugar that was...." He looked at me shocked and yelled, "NO WAY! YOU COULDN'T HAVE! YOUR JUST A REGULAR HUMAN! No offense..." "It's okay babe, none taken. And I also wanted to show ya something". He looked at me with the 'what is it?' Expression. I stood up and said, "Martos santos latlas opotus". (I don't know some random words).Then 6 long tentacles shot from out of my back. My eyes turned blood red. I had a snake tongue, pointy elf type ears, fangs, and my mouth still slit from the corners of my mouth to my jawline. He looked at me in amazed. He stood up and walked toward me. He rapped his hands around my waist and that made me blush. He looked at me and asked me if I could stay like this forever. I shook my head side to side. He whined, "Awwwww baby why not? You look super sexy like this. Pleeeeeeease baby please?" I said I can't because its dangerous for me to be like this. He looked down with sadness and then I picked up his face and said, "Oh sugar baby don't be sad. How about this I'll be like this sometimes and make you happier how about that?" He nodded his head exited and grabbed my hand. We walked to my house together. The whole time I was thinking about him. He was super cute and super sweet. I hope we can be together. Together forever. I realized I wasn't in my normal form halfway to the house so I changed back quickly. He just stood there by a tree and waited. I could tell he had an idea when he dropped the knife. After I finished he grabbed my hand and grabbed his knife. I was scared to think about what he was going to do. He pulled me over to a tree and carved JK +. I asked him where the other initials were. He grabbed my hand, opened it, put the knife in my hand, and closed it. I asked him what I'm supposed to do. He just laughed and said, "Your initials go there silly." Pointing to the spot where they were supposed to go. I laughed and carved my initials by his, so the tree had the carving JK +(whatever your initials are) in a heart. I laughed and kissed him and passionately he kissed back. After a minute of kissing. We walked the rest of the way home laughing and talkng. We finally got home and so I unlocked the door and we walked inside. We went and sat on the couch. I turned on Netflix and asked him what he liked to watch. He said horror movies and lucky for him I loved them as well. I turned on a movie called Friend Request. I jumped a few times and every time I did Jeff pulled me close and hugged me. I felt safe with him around. I looked at him as he laughed at every murder that happened. He realized I was staring at him smiling and he looked at me.

In love with a killer (jeff the killer x reader)Where stories live. Discover now