chapter 13

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He couldn't calm me down. I ended up cutting off one of his tentacles. He yelled and dropped me. I then stabbed Toby in the arm and stabbed through clockworks hand. I ran over to EJ and I forcefully grabbed his hand and cut his wrist at least 15 times. He held a hand over the cuts as the blood flooded the floor below.  I ran to splendor and trenderman and cut both of their throats. They ran away holding their throats as I ran to someone else. I ran over to Sally who was waiting for Lazari to come back with with some cherries. I stood over Sally ready to sink the butcher knife deep down into her skull. But as I motioned forward to do it o felt a hand grab mine from behind. I looked behind me ready to jerk my hand away and stab the person. I saw it was Jeff... trying to stop me. I took my hand out of his and I slowly lowered my hand to my side. I dropped the knife and it landed in Jeff's foot. He let out a yelp of pain and grabbed his foot. He fell back on the couch still holding his foot. I looked at everyone in the living room, bleeding, because of I stared at everyone and said,"what have I done?" I could feel tears forming in my eyes. Everyone looked at me and said in unison as they pointed to what I did to them, "THIS! THIS IS WHAT YOU DID!" It seemed as if all 6 people could read each other's minds. They said the same thing at the exact same time. It kind of scared me thinking how what I had just done hurt my friends. My only friends to be frank.
"Hey look who it is! It's the creep of the school!" Nobody really liked me because I never had a dad growing up and I was really...part monster. It kind of scared me. "Freak!" They would shout "creepy wierdo!" They'd say. The one that facinated me the most was 'creepypasta' people called me that but I didn't know what it meant. One day the principal came up to me with 7 kids behind them. He introduced me to them. The oldest kid was a tall boy about 6 foot (that was like really tall for a 7th grader). He was wearing the latest fashion trend. I thought to myself, 'way to keep up with the fashions mister'. He said I could call him trender because that's what his friends called him. Another boy about his same height was next to him. He was wearing like polka dots and all these bright colors. He told me to call him splendor because he was literally always happy. The next boy was named Toby. He wore a mask over his mouth and Goggles  over his eyes. 'Dang he's cute', I thought to myself. The next kid was named Jack. He told me to call him EJ though. I didn't know what the E stood for but I really didn't care at that point. The next kid was about 5 ft 7". His name was Jack too. He said to call him LJ. I guess not to get him confused with the other jack. The next 2 were girls. One had something over her eye. It looked like a freakin clock. It scared me. But maybe she was like me and we could become friends. She said that I could Call her clockwork. The last girls name was Lazari. That was a beautiful name. I showed them around the school. They were super nice kids. I loved them a lot, especially Toby. At the end of the day they invited me over for the weekend. I agreed and texted my mom telling her I was going to be at a friends. Of course she didn't care if I went but I made sure to tell her. That day when I went over Toby greeted me saying very fast, "wouldyouliketogooitwithme?" I told him to slow down, so he did and said slower, " would you like to go out with me," both of our faces turned bright red as I told him yes. He went in for a hug but accidentally kissed me. Embarrasing. He told me that he was sorry, but I told him Let's try that again. He seemed surprised but went along with it and the kiss turned out a good one. When we pulled apart we akwardly went inside. Everyone sat in a circle cheering him on. I was confused and asked, "what's going on?" Toby told me that everyone knew I liked you so they dared me to ask you out. And he did. LJ looked at me and said, come on lovebirds sit down so we can keep playing this wonderful game.

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