Chapter 5

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But then another guy appeared out of the bushes. So I looked at Jeff and said, "So baby, you take the left guy and I'll take the right. Got it?" "Got it honey", he smiled. We charged at the men and we tackled them both. I rose my knife to stab when Jeff had already cut the guys arm. He screamed in pain. Jeff then took of the guys hood and said in shock, "EJ?!". "Jeff?! What the heck? Why did you stab me and more importantly where have you been?!" EJ yelled. I looked at the guy I was on top of and pulled his hood away. I was shocked to see my best friend and ex boyfriend Ticci Toby. "Toby?" I said. "Y/N?" We were both surprised to see each other. We met at vid con a few years back and we had kept in touch ever since. Jeff asked me if I knew him. I told him yes. He looked at me confused. I told him I also knew EJ. So Jeff said, "If you know EJ then what'd his real name?" I then said, "Eyeless Jack". Jeff looked at me even more confused. Then Toby told him something. He said, "Hey Jeff let me tell you how we all know we each other. So when slender asked us if we wanted to go to school most of us said yes except you. We'll we want to Y/N's school and met her. She showed us around and we became best friends. But you didn't go to the school, so you didn't get to know her like we did." "Oh...", Jeff said, "well why did let you tell me that there was a super sexy girl at school and that I should meet her?" "Well you really didn't seem that interested in dating of even having a girlfriend for that matter." EJ spoke up. Then everyone went silent. We sat there for about 20 minutes not saying anything. Then EJ and Toby said in unison, "Hey um mind getting off of me?" Me and Jeff both laughed as we got off the two boys. Then Toby and EJ told us they better get going. I then asked, "wait how far away is y'all's home?" Then suddenly a boy about EJ'S height walked out from behind a tree. He looked like a video game character... he looked like Link from the Legend of Zelda. But with razor sharp teeth and back eyes with red pupils. I knew him. His name was Ben. We never dated but we were good friends. Ben said, "Our house is about 3 hours from here." Jeff jumped because he didn't see Ben come out of the bushes. I just laughed. Ben started to speak once again, "Slenderman wants you three home now." EJ and Toby sighed and started to follow Ben home. Ben then yelled, "JEFF COME ON THAT MEANS YOU TOO!" Jeff was started to get angery. He pulled out his knife, charged toward Ben, tackled him, and held the knife to Ben's throat. He yelled, "BEN YOU MIGHT FOLLOW ALL OF MISTER SKINNY'S ORDERS, BUT GUESS WHAT I DON'T HAVE TO! I'M MY OWN FREAKING PERSON I'M NOT UNDER SLENDERMAN'S RULE GOT IT?!" Ben laughed histarically and said, "Okay Jeff whatever you say, but don't blame me if slender takes you away from your girl...". Jeff got off of Ben got off the ground. EJ, Toby, and Ben started to walk off. Ben turned around one last time and saw Jeff flipping him off. So Ben did it back and walked away. As Y/N and Jeff walked back they stayed close together and held hands the whole way. Sometimes they would stop to kiss but most of the time they laughed and talked. I started to wonder about Ben. His voice was so.... like static. So I asked Jeff about it. I asked, "Hey baby why does Ben sound the way he does? I mean like his voice it like... static almost...". Jeff looked confused for a moment and then realized something, "Ben never told you his back story did he?". I shook my head no and was shaking slightly thinking about what happened. He sighed and said, "Well this young boy naned Ben was at camp one day and he drowned in the lake. Well he had his favorite Nintendo game in his pocket, Majors's Mask. The ghost of Ben is supposed to haunt the game.  The way he sounds depends on how he feels. Like if he's sad it will sound like he's drowning, if he's happy he'll sound normal usually, and if he's mad or annoyed he'll sound like static.". I looked at the ground sort of upset that a poor young boy drowned in a  lake at camp.

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