chapter 15

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I yelled,"WHY DIDN'T YOU TELL ME THAT YOU WERE MY DAD?! YOU COULD HAVE SAVED ME ALL THE BULLYING AND TRAMA THAT I WAS PUT THROUGH ALL THROUGHOUT MY CHILDHOOD!" I looked at the scars on my wrists. I had about 20 on each wrist. I looked at slender and with an angry facial expression. I lifted up my wrists so he could see all the scars. I could feel the tears forming in my eyes. He held out his arms to hug me but I refused. He pulled me in anyway and I finally felt safe. His warm embrace made me feel like nobody could ever hurt me. I couldn't hold in the tears anymore. I let loose. All the tears kept coming and it felt like it was never going to stop. He carried me to the couch and layed me down. He sat there an cradled me in his arms for what felt like hours. I fell asleep in his arms with the tears still falling down my face...
Day 1 of suicide attempts: The day I got into a fight. I was punched in the mouth and lost 5 of my teeth. When I arrived home I couldn't take the abuse anymore. I got the razor blade out of my drawer. I counted 20 on each wrist. 1...2...3...4... and so on and so forth. I covered the cuts up when I went to school the next day. I was hoping the bleeding out cap would kill me, but sadly it didn't.
Day 2 of suicide attempts: I was shoved into a locker this morning and nobody found me until 2 hours after school ended. I went up to my room and got a rope. I tied it to a tree outside and hung myself. It failed. I was there for about 30 minutes but still nothing. I called LJ, my best friend, to come untie me since he was tall enough to.
Day 3 of suicide attempts: I was beat up and made fun of for not having a dad. I went to the roof and jumped, head first. Still nothing...
Day 4 of suicide attempts: I took 4 bottles of pills and waited for something. I threw up a bunch, but didn't die.
Day 5 of suicide attempts: I went in front of a tree in the woods with a gun. But, unfortunately or fortunately LJ, Toby, and EJ found me and stopped me before I did it glad I have some friends that actually care...
I woke up with a scream. Slender was still holding me and rocking me back and forth. I hugged slender and said, "I love you dad..." He told me love you too. I told slender to let me go so I can go finish packing my stuff. He let me go and I went upstairs to finish packing. I called the movers and they said they'll be here tomorrow morning. I hugged slender and he leaned down and kissed me on my head. He waved goodbye and I did too. He walked off and I walked up the stairs. I layed down and I looked at the picture on my night stand. It was of me and Jeff on the beach. We had killed a man and chopped his head off. The man was on the ground dead along with his head. Me and Jeff were kissing and it seemed like the best time we had had in a while. I decided to pack the picture for you know.... memories.
I woke up to a doorbell. I answered it and it was the movers. I told them to get to work and they did. I started to pack my things into my car. After the movers were done I started off. I went somewhere for breakfast and then I kept on going. I drove for hours back to El Paso. Then I got a flat tire. Luckily i always kept a spare tire in the back and i knew how to change tires. When I finally got to my home I knocked on the door. My mom answer and she jumped for joy. She hugged me tightly, but then she knew something was wrong because I had come back. She looked at me worried and said,"sweetheart what's wrong? Why did you come back and why is your mou-" I looked at her and said in the best possible way, "well I reunited with some old friends from school, got a boyfriend, and something happened and I left." She hugged me and told me I could stay as long as I'd like. I told her that I was only spending the night because I bought another house across town. She nodded her head and let me in. It was now 10:55. I was missing my friends and Jeff, so I went out to my car and got a framed picture of all of the creepypastas and then the one of me and Jeff.

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