Chapter 26: The Beginning

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A deafening silence fell upon us as the headmistress stared at the empty air in front of her. I just stood in front of her awkwardly and waited for her to react at what I said.

"Uh, professor?" I asked uncertainly when she remained silent for a few seconds.

Professor Evanesca blinked a few times. "Let's go for a walk, Ike," she said before holding my arm gently and guiding me away from the clearing. "And I want you to tell me everything that you saw in that dream of yours."

The fallen leaves crackled under our feet as the two of us walked away from the clearing. Despite of that, the noise was still not enough to break the deep silence around us. The headmistress just looked straight ahead of her, seemingly lost in thought.

"I woke up on a street with my entire body covered in black smoke," I said. "Everything in that dream seemed to be made out of nothing but shadows and light but I can still distinguish clearly which is which. All of a sudden, this monstrous shadow rose from the ground and towered above anything else. His name is Fergus, and he was once a headmaster of Emerald."

The headmistress nodded. "Correct. I will enlighten you about that after you're done narrating your dream. Continue."

"And then Elijah appeared together with Astrid. I really can't remember much of their dialogue but Fergus said something about the Prime Weirdnesses as the parents of all the weirdnesses in the world—"

"Which is true, if we are going to consider the Tale of Life and Death," the headmistress said.

"Fergus also mentioned Astrid as the Prime Destruction. He also said something about the Prime Elemental's ability to end all evil in the world. I really didn't understand what he meant by that but he seemed to be implying something," I said.

"And then?" the headmistress prompted.

"Elijah and Astrid fused," I replied, looking at the headmistress straight in the eyes.

Professor Evanesca closed her eyes momentarily before taking a deep breath. She seemed to have understood the meaning of my stare. "I see... Continue, my dear boy..."

"I was blown away from the scene and transported into a completely dark place. That's when I saw Life together with the previous holders of the Prime Elemental. Nobody talked to me except Life, and he was only able to introduce himself before RB woke me up from my sleep," I said.

The headmistress remained completely silent after my narration. She finally stopped walking when we reached a cliff overlooking what looks like a tiny village. I suddenly realized that we're at the exact same cliff where Nicolo brought us on our first visit here. The moon and stars above twinkled and shone against the dark night sky.

A cold breeze blew against us and ruffled the leaves of the trees around, finally breaking the suffocating silence of the place. The headmistress' cloak billowed lightly against the wind as she looked at the town of Terresena below us.

"Fergus Silverio is one of the names assumed by perhaps the most influential and successful villain of all time, Demetrius Pluto. According to the history books, he was able to conquer nearly 60% of the world's countries during his reign. He's a Morph Weirdo who can transform into anything and everything he wants—"

I suddenly remembered the towering monster with terrifying claws and tentacles in my dream.

"He simply had the right weirdness at the right time. Demetrius was born during the time when weirdnesses were just starting to manifest in the people. During that time, the weirdnesses were still pretty simple and weak because they were still not as diverse as compared to today's weirdnesses. Not to mention that a lot of countries before were unstable and on the brink of collapse because of the conflict between the communis and the weirdos. Demetrius, being the master of disguise, assumed different personalities and used the collapsing countries to his advantage. One by one, the unstable countries fell into his hands, and he assigned his most loyal and trusted minions to govern the countries he conquered while he travelled all over the world to spread his reign of terror."

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