Chapter 28: Gelling and Growing

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My mind frantically thought of strategies to beat Tony as the two of us took our respective places in the field. My stomach squirmed uncomfortably when I saw that he's going to use the bow that the Agents' Oasis gave him. He also fell deathly silent, and I'm pretty sure that he's formulating a plan inside his head.

I made a quick scan of our surroundings. We're using the Ground Alpha of the Quartz Battle Hall, which means, there is basically no place to hide or run to if things get too sticky. A vast expanse of grass stretched all around us inside the seemingly limitless battle hall.

Tony relies on his bow for offense, so you can deprive him of it early on to put him at a disadvantage, my mind whispered. Depriving him of his bow would be difficult, given that he can easily detect if you're going to approach him. Not to mention that you two can easily see each other because of the open field.

"What to do... What to do..." I whispered as I scanned the surroundings.

"Here we go, boys! Good luck. Give us a good show!" Professor Sivera suddenly said.

I looked up in surprise. "What the hell—?!"

One-on-one battle will commence in 3... 2... 1...

Tony jumped into the air and shot arrows towards my direction. I immediately jumped away from my spot. The arrows landed right where I was standing earlier, creating a powerful explosion.

Of course, my mind whispered. Tony has sensitive senses, so the only way to get near him is by using as many distractions as I can.

I pointed a hand to the sky and conjured thunderclouds, instantly dimming the entire place. Rock and ice walls sprouted all over the place together with a few trees and bushes, creating a small jungle in the grassy field of the Ground Alpha. I then put a hand on the ground to detect movements around me.

Before I could even detect any vibration, a batch of arrows suddenly rained down on me. I immediately conjured a force field above me to block the explosive arrows.


I turned around swiftly and threw a ball of flaming force field towards a nearby tree. The tree exploded into flames before falling with a loud crash, revealing Tony who immediately ran away upon seeing me. I ran after him, creating flaming balls of force field all around me.

"Wait a sec..." I said as Tony suddenly hid behind a rock wall. "Tony wouldn't run away once he gets a clear view of me. Unless..."

I suddenly tripped on an arrow with a tiny blinking light stuck on the ground, knocking me out of balance. That's when I noticed the other similar arrows which were also stuck on the ground all over the place.

"What the hell?" I whispered, picking up another arrow.

A tiny whistling sound suddenly filled the air. I looked up just in time to see an arrow zooming swiftly towards me.


I only had time to enclose myself inside a huge ball of force field before the arrows all around me exploded. My ball of force field flew high into the air before falling back to the earth with a loud crash, bouncing off the ground a few times before completely stopping. Thankfully, the ball of force field did not break despite the thunderous explosion.

I kept myself afloat in the air to prevent Tony from detecting my footsteps. The flaming balls of force field revolved around me quietly, waiting to be released if I see even just a tiny bit of Tony.

Another arrow suddenly whizzed towards me. I immediately pointed a hand to the arrow which abruptly stopped in midair just a few inches from my forehead.

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