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I'm feeling lonely tonight,
There's a strange melancholy I can't seem to shake,
My soul is now trembling,
And it's making me ache.

I'm feeling sad tonight,
Not for any reason really,
Just because I can,
And because life is sad truly.

I'm feeling slow tonight,
As if time's stopped for me,
Though I know it keeps ticking,
Beating each second to submission,

I'm feeling floaty tonight,
Like my spirit wants to leave,
Like everything is wriggling,
Trying to burst free.

I'm feeling reckless tonight,
Like nothing really matters,
Like staying up late has no consequence,
Like I could die and yet still live.

I'm feeling bored tonight,
Bored with life and people,
Bored of same old same old same old,
Yes, thrice, because life is repetitive.

I'm feeling lazy tonight,
Too lazy to rhyme,
Too lazy to spend time thinking,
So I'm writing what my fingers tell me.

I'm feeling stupid tonight,
Not that I am, as I suppose I'm not,
But in some ways I am when you think,
Don't you see?

I'm feeling nonsensical tonight,
Now the last one makes sense, right?
Funny how the mention of nonsense makes things make sense,
As if nonsense itself, is sensible.

I'm feeling sensible tonight,
But if you refer to the last one,
That means I feel nonsensical,
So I guess I'm saying things twice.

I'm feeling repetitive tonight,
Funny, they're all linking up,
Its almost as if I planned this,
Just for the record I didn't.

I'm feeling lost tonight,
And you probably are too,
After reading this rubbish,
You probably worry about my mind.

I'm feeling crazy tonight,
You had a right to be worried,
My mind is quite odd, But odd means nonsense,
So am I crazy at all?

I'm feeling confused tonight,
My minds in a whirl,
I go off on a tangent,
What is a tangent anyway...?

I'm feeling annoyed tonight,
At myself for this poem,
If you can call it a poem,
If you can call it anything at all.

I'm feeling tired tonight,
But night is when you're meant to feel tired,
So was there really any need,
To mention that right now?

I'm feeling awake tonight,
Which is strange when I feel tired,
But I guess bodies and mind,
Don't always sync up.

I'm feeling restless tonight,
Like I ought to be moving,
Or watching or listening,
To anything at all, just not sleep.

I'm feeling awkward tonight,
That you are all reading,
My late-at-night thoughts,
My sleep deprived visions and what-not.

I'm feeling anxious tonight,
That when I wake early,
I'll be too tired to function,
And who's fault will that be?

I'm feeling angry tonight,
At myself for not sleeping,
For writing out this mess,
Instead of aiding bodily function.

I'm feeling betrayed tonight,
That phone call came too late,
Not that I was betrayed ,
It just kinda feels that way, Y'know?

I'm feeling repetitive tonight,
Have I said that already?
My head won't stop spinning,
I can't even see straight.

I'm feeling .... tonight,
And I think that's the problem,
My feelings are too many,
Too much to handle,
Someone blow out the candle,
A rhyme! At last!
Did you see?  It came fast,
And another, my friend,
I guess this is the end,
Now time for me to sleep,
Come help me count sheep,
Or maybe they're feelings,
Not sure, my heads reeling,
Its over, oh glory!
I'm sick of this story,
So long and farewell,
Now be free of this spell,

Only I know how I wish I was.

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