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We yelled each others names as we ran into each others arms. We are really close.

"Oh my god I missed you!"

He swung me around in his arms then stood me up. "I missed you so much I was starting to get homesick missing you!!"

"Aww well you're here now!" We started walking to his car. His very nice car, might I add. I sighed, "That month seemed a lot longer than what it was..."

"Yeah tell me about it!" he opened up the passenger door for me and gestured toward the car. I bowed playfully and he climbed in the drivers seat.

"That's actually what I wanted to talk to you about, I'm on a break to stay in my hometown to take pictures for a while, we don't know for how long but its definitely going to be long enough for us to catch up!"

I gasped, "YAY!! And we can take pictures TOGETHER!"

"Emma you are a mind reader!" he teased with a wink. We kept talking until we got to our usual eating spot.

We sat in our usual seats and talked. "So Um... Is there any new... Guy in your... life?" he asked me.

"Oh no... I really don't want anybody new" I answered back, trying to avoid awkwardness.

"Oh... But if it was an old friend... Would you consider?" What is he talking about??

"Um... I guess... Just depends, you know?"

"Yeah, yeah." that was it with that conversation. We talked more, and finished our lunch. Then we walked around the city taking pictures with strangers and having a good time. He never brought up that awkward conversation. After we were done, it was around 4 and he brought me home. He hugged me goodbye, and the hug lasted a little longer than usual.

I walked in my house and Ali was there. She said she was out with the boys all day and that she needed to talk to me.

We sat on my bed and she asked, "Remember when we would always talk about getting our own house, but I was always scared to move out?"

"Yes...?" I answered, predicting where this was going.

"Well... I'm ready. I'm ready to move out."

I jumped up, "Oh my gosh Ali!! This is great!! I already have a house picked out and everything!!"

She jumped up too, "Oh my gosh!! Let's move as soon as possible then!!"

We got all excited and told our moms, who were excited too. We all talked about how it would be like and using the money we've been saving up. We talked about it all night and even started packing.

We finished packing our small amounts of luggage and Ali went home half asleep.

I climbed in my bed and pulled up twitter, which I haven't checked in a long time.

I was overwhelmed with gossip of Harry and I.


I woke up and immediately looked at the clock on my phone. 7:28, ok. I jumped out of bed, anger rising inside of me. I jumped in a cab and rode to Weatherwood apartments. I ran to their apartment and it was open. I let myself in and pounded on Harry's flats' door.

I kept pounding but no answer. Finally, the door swung open and an angry, morning groggy Harry swung open the door and yelled, "WHAT THE HELL DO YOU WANT?!?!"

I jumped and took a step back. I reached up and slapped him as hard as i could. Before i knew it a huge hand came in contact with my face forcefully. The pain stung my face and took a couple more steps back.

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