Management's Meeting

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The Super Mario Bros theme song blared from my cheap phone. I knew it was Niall.

I answered, "Call to yell at me too? Make me feel like crap too? Because I'll save you some time, nobody can make me feel any worse."

Silence. "WELL HI!!" He chirped into my ear happily. "I'm sorry Niall, it's just I'm really stressed right now..."

"Why don't I take you out then??"

"Niall I-"

"Wait, before you can reject me, I want to tell you I... I... Can make you feel better..." that didn't seem like he was going to say that... Oh well...

"Niall I'm a mess and I really dont think I'll be able to get out of bed..."

"Let me come over then and help you then!"


"Please? I can't stand to see you like this..."

I sighed, "Fine..."

"Yes!! Thank you, you won't regret it! I'll be over in a bit!"

We hung up and I crashed my face into my pillow once again. I don't know how I'm ever going to survive on my own...

I thought for a second and propped my head up. I looked at my bedside table and grabbed my brush and quickly put my hair up into a messy bun, then dive into my pillow again. A little bit later I heard a knock on my bedroom door.

"Come in..." I mumbled into my purple pillow. The door opened and Niall laid down on my bed beside me. I turned to face him and gave him a week smile.

"Hello beautiful" I smiled and said, "Hello Niall..."

He brushed away my hair from my face and rested his hand on my neck.

"You should get up and cook with me" I sighed, "We don't have a lot of food left..."

"Well we'll find food, come on" he stood up and reached his hand out for me. I grabbed his hand and slowly stood up. I haven't gotten up for a while. My legs were wobbly and Niall noticed. He bent down gesturing for me to get on his back.

I jumped on his back laughing. "To the kitchen!!"

He laughed and jumped all the way to the kitchen, making me have a mini heart attack every time he jumped. He sat me down on the counter and turned around to face me.

"What? Do you not... TRUST me?" he acted hurt and got closer to me.

"I don't know, do you trust me...?"

"I trust you very much..." He whispered, now in between my legs with his hands on my thighs.

"Well then why did you come here? If you trusted me, you would've known I could've done well on my own!"

He chuckled in his deep voice and raised his hands from my thighs. "I wanted to be with you..." he practically whispered.

I smirked and leaned forward a little and whispered, "Well... If you trust me, I trust you to not drop me!" with those words I lunged myself to him and he caught me, but stumbled back into the fridge.

He smirked as if thinking of something as I guessed what he was thinking and I wrapped my legs around his torso and wrapped my arms around his neck. He ran us to the couch and fell on top of me and reached out his arms.

"NIALL... You better not..." I smiled. Before I realised it, he was tickling my sides yelling, "TICKLE WAR!!!" I started laughing uncontrollably and tried to push him off but failed. He reached out his arms again and paused for dramatic effect.

Then in an instant he tickled my neck and sides. "NIALL!! HAHAHAHAHA STOP IT!! I WILL PUSH YOU OFF!! HAHAHAHAHA!!" I managed to yell in between laughs. I pushed him off onto the ground and took a run for it into the kitchen.

I put my hands up in surrender and yelled, "WAIT!! I SURRENDER!!!" when I saw him coming at me. He started tickling me again and said, "Tell me I am the sexiest man alive!!!"

"NEVER!!!" I protested, still laughing. Soon I couldn't get any sound out I was laughing so hard so I probably looked like a retarded seal flipping around.


He stopped tickling me and said, "Aww that's so sweet!"

I slapped him lightly and pulled out some bread. Then I reached over him for butter and cinnamon sugar. "Get the toaster!"

"Ahem, who do you want to get the toaster?" He replied with a smirk.

I threw my hands down to my sides and slouched, "Dear Sexiest man alive, please grab the magical machine that toasts bread?"

He smiled, satisfied, and I continued with the oh-so complicated meal of toast.


I woke up on my couch on top of a certain blonde Irish boy. Or should I say, 'Sexiest man alive'.

I chuckled and sat up. I looked at our empty plates with a little cinnamon sugar left on them. I looked at my phone and almost on cue, it went off. It was a simple ring so it wasn't a contact number.

"Hello?" I answered.

"Hello, this is the One Direction Management. We need to have a meeting with you and the boys in an hour at their apartment."

"Ok..." I answered unsure. "Theres nothing wrong, we just have a few suggestions, we hope that'll be fine." The strong, male voice assured.

"Sure thing!"

We hung up and I poked Niall until he woke up. I asked him to drive me and we both arrived at their apartment.

Niall led me in and a couple tall men were standing in the living room. The boys were sitting on the couch, a bit concerned-looking. Except Harry wasn't there again.

"What is it?" I asked, sitting on the chair, the middle one said, "Well, we know how much hate you and Harry have been getting, so we suggest... You and Harry fake date."

I choked, "What?"

"Well it would only be for the paparazzi and fans, but we think it's the best decision right now for the hate."

I thought about it. Maybe this would be fun. Maybe it'll show him a lesson. This is the backfiring part.

The tallest one spoke, "And since the lad decided he was too good to show up, he has no say in this. It's whatever you say."

I smiled, "Ok. Harry and I are officially fake dating!"

The boys all looked shocked, and management looked satisfied.

This will be fun.


[A/N: Omg! Almost 3000 reads!!! So whaddaya think?(:

What do you think Harrys gonna think?(:

Ship couples?(:

Ok so I'm gonna start making the chapters a lot shorter, but I'm gonna be uploading more often(:

Now Harry and Emma are going to have to act all couply!! AHHHH!!!(;


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