Looking For Harry

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After management left, I stayed at the boys apartment. We decided we'd play Life. Fun.

"YAY NOW I HAVE TWO KIDS!!" Louis yelled.

"Who are they with?" Zayn asked, curious.

"Their with Eleanor!! DUH!!" Louis yelled back.

"Well are you trying to disappoint her? She wants three kids, not two!" He smirked.

Louis thought for a minute and slapped himself in the face, "IM SORRY EL-BEAR!! I'LL GET YOU THREE BABIES!!! JUST WAIT!!"

We all laughed and Liam ended up winning, who was on a team with Ali. I almost forgot she was here, she's been a little quiet.

"WE WIN AT LIFE!!" They jumped together. Louis put on an angry face and flipped the board forcefully, making all the pieces fly off, yelling, "SCREW LIFE!!!"

We laughed and Zayn walked over to him and put his arm around his shoulder, "Now now, life is a gift, you are lucky to have life!" he soothed teasingly. Louis buried his head in Zayn's neck and started fake crying.

We kind of went on like this until Louis came up to me and said, "Can I talk to you alone?"

I nodded and we went into the hall. He spoke up and said, "Look I'm sorry for being so rude in texts earlier, it's just Harry and I are really close and I was stressed that he ran away. We still don't know where he is now, but if he's still gone by tonight, can you come with me to find him?"

I looked up at him and whispered, "He won't be very happy to see me, we're not exactly 'friends' anymore..."

He sighed, "Yeah well... That's not the only thing I wanted to ask you. As you know, we're on a little break from tours, and we only have a couple days left in Los Angeles. We were talking with management, and we want you and Ali to come on tour with us."

I stood up straighter and asked, "Really?? Like actually in the same tour bus and everything?? Like going around to different countries??"

He smiled, "Yes, would you like that?"

"YES YES OMG THIS WILL BE SO FUN!!" I yelled excitedly.

"Great!! So are we cool now?"

"Yeah, we're cool" I smiled back, I leaped all the way to Ali, who obviously had the same conversation about touring with Liam because she was jumping up and down. Then we started celebrating.


I don't even know where I am.

It's starting to get dark and I'm just walking through a bunch of creepy alleys.

I want to go back the the apartment. No, I don't want to do that, I want to go back home.

Hands stuffed in my pockets, sunglasses and hood on, I dragged my feet along the sidewalk. Cars were driving by and I just kept walking.

I had to get away from her. I didn't want to see her anymore. I don't suspect she wants to see me either.

Well she's the one who led me on. She didn't even tell me she had a boyfriend. Then she goes snogging him in his glass house, starting a whole bunch of hate for the both of us.

I looked up to a blue flashing sign ahead and it said some kind of bar. That will make me feel better. Nothing else I've been trying has been making me feel better. None of the girls i bring home are satisfying to me. I haven't thought about alcohol.

It's legal in England, why not here?

I reached the door and pulled it open forcefully and suddenly the smell of smoke attacked my sense of smell. You could literally see the smoke in here.

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