Chapter Three

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(George POV)

I woke up without Reece's arms around me. I rolled over and reached out for him, but I couldn't feel him there. I sat up and rubbed my eyes before looking around. He wasn't here.

"Reece!" I called out, panic clear in my voice. "Reece where are you?!" I yelled. My eyes started to fill with tears.

"Hey! Hey, I'm here baby, I'm here." Reece said softly as he walked out of the bathroom.

I let out a sigh of relief as he wrapped his arms around me. After a minute or two I pulled back slightly, but stayed in his embrace.

"Baby?" I questioned.

"I- I um, I was trying to calm you down." Reece stuttered.

I smiled and sank back into his arms. The thought of him calling me baby made my heart flutter.

As much as I hate it in here and would do anything to get out, I'm loving spending time with Reece. I wish he hadn't been taken, but I can't change that. So I'm trying to make the most of it all by getting to know Reece after all these years.

"Are you hungry?" Reece asked. "They gave us some food about an hour ago."

"I'm starving!" I said as I quickly went to get whatever they'd given us for breakfast.

"It's here." Reece laughed.

I crawled back across to where Reece was now sitting, his back against the wall. I sat down next to him, leaning against him slightly. He held out a banana.

"Thank you," I said as I took it out of his hands.

I started eating the banana and noticed the look I was I was getting from Reece. I almost choked on the banana.

Once I regained my composure I asked him, "Why are you staring at me eating a banana?"

His entire face went red, much to my amusement. "I- I was zoned out." He replied, avoiding my gaze.

I laughed and continued eating. Once I finished, I leant against Reece for a minute or two before I moved so I was sitting crossed-legged in front of him. He looked at me with an odd look on his face.

"Let's get to know each other better since we've got nothing better to do," I said. "Twenty questions?"

"Alright, you ask first," Reece said smiling.

"What's your favourite colour?" I asked.

He stared in my eyes for a moment before answering. "Light blue. You?"

"Green," I replied. I always liked green, it just happened to be the colour of Reece's eyes that was my favourite shade.

We continued asking the typical questions for awhile before Reece started to get more serious.

"What's one thing you've never told anyone?" Reece asked.

"I- I don't think there is anything I've never told anyone. I'm a pretty open book." I paused. "Actually, there's one thing that I've only ever told Blake," I replied.

"Yeah, that works," Reece said curiously, shrugging his shoulders.

"Well, I'm pretty sure you've already figured it out, but I'm gay," I answered.

"Ah, yeah I kind of did." Reece laughed. "You were a little too into that kiss for a straight guy." Reece smirked slightly.

I smiled awkwardly and looked down to try to hide my blush.

"What about you?"

"I'm gay as well. I've never actually told anyone. Oh, and also I have a massive phobia of ants. I got bitten once and convinced myself I was dying." Reece laughed.

I laughed. What a loveable idiot.

"You're a dork," I said, moving a little closer to Reece.

"I know," Reece said blushing. "How old were you when you realised?"

"Twelve. I had always been curious though. And you?"


"How come you haven't told anyone?" I asked.

"I didn't want people thinking differently of me I guess," Reece replied as he fiddled with his hands. "I never told Blake because I was worried he would think I would fall for him or something which was stupid, I never did and I knew I wouldn't. I just made up reasons why I never had a girlfriend."

"Fair enough. Do you regret not telling your family? If we never make it out of here, would you regret not letting your parents know the real you?"

"I- maybe a little. I think they've wondered for quite awhile, but never said anything to me. I was never ready to come out, I can't change that, so it's pointless regretting it." Reece answered, finishing with a shrug. "If we don't make it out, what's something you wish you could've done?"

"Tell my family and Blake how much I loved and appreciated them, I never told them enough. And I wish I'd gotten to know you better, you're a pretty cool guy." I laughed.

'You're a pretty cool guy'?! I'm such an idiot.

Reece blushed a little.

"You took the words right out of my mouth." Reece smiled, tears filling his eyes slightly.

"Hey, we're going to make it out of here okay? We have to." I said, taking his hands in mine.

Reece smiled and blinked away the tears. He sniffled a little before speaking again. "What was your least favourite subject in school?" He asked, changing the subject.

We kept asking questions back and forth and slowly inching closer to each other. Reece's legs were now in mine. I looked at our legs then back up to Reece with a smirk, he smiled a shy but cheeky smile. I lent in and pressed my lips lightly against his. Reece smiled and snuck his tongue into my mouth. I laughed a little and continued kissing him. Reece pulled me on top of him. I shifted so I was comfortably laying on him as he worked his lips with mine, kissing me languidly. Reece put his hand on my cheek and he kissed me once more, pulling away with a smile. I smiled back and cuddled into him again.

I don't know what this is, or what any of this means, but I don't really mind at this point. I definitely have feelings for him, but I don't really want to label this. All I really want right now is to just to cuddle Reece and steal the occasional kiss.

A/N - Hello hello! I totally forgot it was Monday yesterday so here's a Tuesday update! Thanks to adorablegeorge for reminding me, I wouldn't be updating rn if you hadn't... But I hope you liked this update even if it is late! Georgie has feelings for Reece hey ;) ;). I wonder if it'll last... See you next week!

- T :) x

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