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(Reece POV) 

I laid there on the hospital bed, waiting to make a statement. The police were quick to come in this morning to take both George and I's statements, but we were still sleeping. They'd been called back when we woke up and are on their way back here. Although, I knew George wasn't going to say anything to them. He still hadn't talked all morning. Honestly, I just wanted to get all this over with, we've suffered it enough. 

My eyes were focused on the ceiling, my hand clasped tightly in George's. There was a noise over at the door to our room. George jumped, but I squeezed his hand in reassurance. I looked over to see two policemen and a nurse walking into the room, both mine and George's parents standing worriedly in the doorway. I nodded at them, letting them know we'd be okay. I'd make sure George was. The two police officers pulled chairs over to sit on.

"Sorry for the long wait, we were taking your friend Blake's statement. I'm Detective Adams, and this is Detective Taylor, we will be asking you some questions today," Detective Adams said, sitting down on his seat.

"Blake? What has he got to do with this?" I asked. 

Maybe they needed his statement from when George was taken? But wouldn't he have already told them what happened?

 "He was involved with the people that abducted you."

"Which one is..." Detective Taylor said, looking down at his notes. "Reece Bibby?"

"That's me," I said quietly.

I was too busy wondering how Blake was involved. He's one of the kindest people I know, he would never get involved with those kinds of people. I guess it does explain what he was apologising for.

"We'll be starting with you," Taylor said.

I nodded. The nurse that walked in started to check our vitals as Detective Adams started speaking.

"Why don't we start from the day you were taken?"

I began recounting what happened, trying to remember as many details I could. I want the bastards that took us to rot in hell for the rest of their lives. 

Once I'd finished telling them everything that I could remember about that day, Detective Adams asked me about what happened when I woke up. The next twenty minutes went like this, Detective Adams asking me the questions while Detective Taylor wrote down everything I said. It was tiring, honestly.

"That's all the questions for you today," Adams said after the gruelling twenty minutes

"We will need you to come down to the station once you're all healed up to give a formal statement," Taylor said.

I just nodded. I thought this was a formal statement. This was exhausting enough, I don't want to have to do it all again. 

Detective Adams and Taylor moved their chairs to George's side. I could see how George tensed up, scared of what was going to happen. His look confirmed it as he turned to face me. I squeezed his hand and gave him a soft smile. I knew this was going to be hard for George and I couldn't change that, but I could at least let him know I was there for him, I wasn't going to let anything happen.

"George Smith?" Detective Taylor asked.

George stayed frozen, staring at the two in fear.

"Yeah, that's George," I replied for him.

"We'll start with the day you were abducted as well," Detective Adams said. "Can you tell us exactly what happened?"

I watched as George's breathing sped up, his eyes burning holes through the detectives. I ran my thumb over his hand to try comfort him a little.

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