Chapter Nine

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(George POV)

"If we can figure out how to get through that door, I can get us out of here."

Reece moved to look at me properly. "You- you can?"

"I can," I said. "I'm really good with directions and I could work my way back to where they kept me. I could hear cars from there, we're near a road. Once we get there, we can escape."

Reece looked hopeful. The most he has looked since we woke up here eleven days ago. But before we could get too excited, there was a flaw to our plan.

"How are we getting through that giant steel door?" Reece asked.

I looked over and instantly felt my mood drop.

Shaking my head softly I said, "I don't know." My voice was quiet.

"We'll figure it out, we will," Reece assured me, pressing a kiss against my temple.

I nodded. "It's late, or at least it feels late, we should sleep."

Reece laughed bitterly and agreed. He grabbed the blankets and I tugged him down with me to lay on our side. My head rested against Reece's chest as he pulled me in close. I took a deep breath, inhaling the familiar scent that was Reece.

"I missed you so much," Reece whispered to me.

"I missed you too, baby." I cuddled into him more.

Reece's soft, steady breathing relaxed me. I'm okay, he's okay. We're back in each other's arms again.


The grinding of metal on metal startled me awake. I scampered back against the wall before I realised we were getting food. Reece put his hand on my shoulder in an attempt to calm me down. He looked at me, his eyebrows drawn in concern.

"Are you okay?" Reece asked.

I looked around. "Not really."

Reece sighed and nodded. It's our twelfth day stuck in here, it's really taking a toll on my hope.

I thought we would get out when we were first taken, but after twelve days I'm not so sure. So when I hear an unfamiliar noise I panic thinking that my life is about to end. And I think Reece is starting to feel the same way too.

In the first few days, I was able to let myself get caught up on Reece. But now I'm starting to feel as if our time together is limited. It scares the hell out of me. Everything about this scares the hell out of me, I just want to go home. I guess things really started to kick in after I passed out.

I was too stuck in my head to notice that Reece had gotten up and brought the food over. We had two pieces of toast today.

"Thank you," I mumbled to Reece and took the plate.

I took a bite out of the cold, dry toast. I wasn't feeling great and I didn't want to eat, but I knew after everything that's happened I need to. So despite the bland taste, I ate both pieces of toast. Once I had finished, I put the plate down with Reece's. I laid down and pulled the blanket back over me, feeling a little cold. Reece looked at me with worry plastered on his face.

"Anything I can do to help?" He asked.

"I just want to be in your arms." I smiled softly.

Reece laid down with me and pulled me into his chest, planting a kiss on my forehead.

If these are my last days, I couldn't think of a better way to spend them than in Reece's arms.

Reece's soothing hand ran up and down my back. We spent the next hour like this. It reminded me that as much as I don't think we're getting out of here, we can't give up. Our families would've wanted us to fight, to try. We had to do something. So I sat up and focused on the door.

"You okay?" Reece asked.

"We can't give up," I said. I grabbed Reece's hand and stood up, taking him over to the door. "We're finding a way out of here."

Before we could start, Reece put his hands on my cheeks and kissed me. I smiled as we parted, putting my hand on his wrist. Reece dropped his hands as we turned our attention back to the door.

There was no door handle from the inside, it was deadbolted from the outside. I was hoping we could pick the lock, but that's off the table now. We scoured every inch of the door and came up with nothing. The small door they used to slide food in was able to be opened from the inside, but it was way too small to fit a human through. There was no way to get out ourselves.

"We have to be missing something," I whispered.

I decided to check it all again, this time looking closer than before. I was almost pressed up against the door when a loud creaking noise sounded through the room. I tried to scream but nothing came out. I jumped away from the door and felt my chest tighten. My legs gave out on me, forcing me to collapse onto my knees. Reece rushed over to me, but I couldn't hear a word he was saying. It was as if there was a glass wall separating us. My eyes stung with the tears that started falling freely without my control. I tried to breathe, but I couldn't. My chest hurt. It hurt so bad. Every time I tried to breathe it got worse. And no matter how many deep breaths I tried to take, it felt as if there was no air getting into my lungs. I looked up at Reece, the fear in his eyes matching what I felt. My head was foggy, my vision clouding. I couldn't hear anything. Anything but my frantic breaths. The pain, it was so bad. I was grabbing at my chest but nothing happened. Nothing could relieve the pain. I wanted it to stop. Please stop. I can't do this. Help me.

A/N - Oh shit. Just when they thought they were getting somewhere... Poor Georgie :(. In better news though, I remembered to update!! It's earlier than usual too. I also have exciting news!! After six months, I'm finally out of my moon boot and I can walk again!!!!!! It's really awkward and a bit painful, but I'm walking!! And also I went to Troye Sivan's concert and it was freaking incredible omg!!!! It was the first night I got to be out and proud and it was amazing <3. And after the show I saw Jacob, Troye's boyfriend, he was literally like a metre away from me omg. It was such an amazing night I want to go back :(. Anyways, that's enough from me, I hope y'all have an amazing week! Love you lots!

- T :) x

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