Chapter Six

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(Reece POV)

Another few days had passed, we're now on day eight of being trapped. We didn't get any food yesterday and barely anything the day before so I'm starving. George decided to work out again, and I'm enjoying it as much as last time. George was shirtless on the floor doing sit-ups. Once he finished those, he stood up to go to the next exercise and stumbled a little.

"Are you okay?" I asked him, slightly worried.

He looked up at me, his eyes looking like they were going straight through me. He started to sway a little again. 

"Help," George said, his voice barely strong enough or loud enough to hear.

I quickly stood up to help him when his eyes started to roll into the back of his head.

"George!" I yelled as he collapsed to the ground. I quickly ran over to him. "George! Can you hear me? George!" I shook him gently, but again, nothing.

I leant in close to him to see if he was breathing. I let out a sigh of relief when I felt his breath whispering over my ear. I lifted up his upper body and pulled him into my chest. He's alive, I repeated to myself over and over again when he wouldn't wake up. Almost twenty minutes had passed and he still hadn't woken up. Tears were streaming down my cheeks and sobs were escaping my lips. There was a noise at the door. My head rapidly turned to face the door, the small opening had lifted so they could slide food in.

"Wait! He collapsed! I don't know what to do, he won't wake up! Please help me!" I cried out.

Nothing. The flap closed and the door never opened. Why did I even bother? Why would they help me? Why would they help George? They're barely feeding us, why would they care enough to check if he's alive? 

About another five minutes later, two men in masks came through the door and pulled George out of my arms, taking him away. That's when the panic set in. I thought they'd help him here, not take him away. What if they hurt him? Or worse, kill him? How am I suppose to explain to his parents that I was the one that got their only son killed? I've lost him. I've lost the guy I'm falling so hard and so quickly for. I'm never going to see him again. I'm never going to hear his laugh, my favourite sound in the entire world ever again, I'll never get to run my fingers through his soft hair, I'll never get to tell him how much he means to me, to tell him how much I care about him. I care about him more than I've ever cared about life itself.


Losing George made me think about what else I've lost. What I've lost since I was taken.

Lexi, my little sister.
There may be quite a big age gap between us, but we were still so close. Sure, she annoys the hell out of me but I wouldn't change her for the world. When she was little she would come into my room almost every night to cuddle and then when she got older, she still came into my room to talk or watch a movie. I took it all for granted. I miss our late night chats. I may never get to do that with her again.

Mum has always been there for me whenever I needed it. Sometimes when I didn't even realise I did. She was there for me through my first heartbreak, even though she thought it was a girl who broke my heart. Although I think she knew I was gay the whole time. But she never once tried to bring it up, she knew I would when I was ready. She just made subtle comments to let me know that she would always love and support me. I might never get the chance to tell her how much it meant to me, especially when I first started to question my sexuality.

Dad was always tough on me, but I knew he did it because he loved me. He was tough, but he still made sure I knew I could always talk to him. And I did. I came to him when I got my first crush, but I left out that fact that it was on a boy. But again, I think he picked it up with all of my inconsistent stories. Dad would answer all of my questions, no matter how awkward they were. He answered my questions about sex, puberty, all of the most awkward things for a teenager. But never once did he make me feel awkward about it. He was open and honest about anything and everything with me. What if I never get the chance to ask him anything ever again?

Blake, the bestest friend I could ask for.
B and I met when we were in kindergarten. He and George were already friends, but Blake never made me feel like less of a friend or like I had to compete for his friendship. He taught me that you could love someone who's not blood-related as family. Blake was so carefree and he loved with an open heart, he showed me I could too. Without him, I don't know who I would be today. It could be three in the morning and I knew Blake would be there for me with open arms. He always has been. Maybe I'll never get to thank him for all of that.

One thing they all have in common is how much I love and care about them all. They are all the closest people to me in the world. They shaped who I am today, taught me to be a better person. And I could possibly never get to tell them how much they mean to me. _________________________________________________________

A/N - This is a little short and the first part is definitely not some of my best writing so I apologise for that. Most of the chapters are a little shorter than this one so I hope that's okay.

Okay, I wanna know your theories! Let me know what you think will happen, who you think took them, why, just any theories you have!! It'll be fun reading them! 

- T :) x

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