Chapter Ten

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(George POV)

The world felt as if it was swaying beneath me. I gripped the floor to try reground myself but nothing changed in the slightest. It hurt to try and take deep breaths so I returned to my quick breathing, that was less painful. I looked at Reece again and saw his lips moving, trying to tell me something but I couldn't hear his voice. I couldn't hear anything.

"Help," I choked out.

My throat clenched as I tried to talk. It hurt, everything hurt so bad.

Reece put his hands on my cheeks, forcing me to look at him. He looked like he had calmed down a little. That slightly reassured me.

"...eorge...hear me?" Reece's voice faded in and out.

"I-I can't, Reece please help me." I cried out.

"Georgie, listen to me, okay?" His voice started to become clearer. I nodded. "Everythings going to be okay, it'll end soon, you're okay."

I closed my eyes and focused on Reece's words.

"I know it hurts, baby, but you need to slow down your breathing. Breathe with me," Reece's voice played in my mind. "Breathe in," Reece paused. "And out. And in, and out."

Reece continued to guide me through it until my body had stopped shaking. I reopened my eyes, looking into his green ones.

"Are you okay?" Reece asked softly.

"I don't know what happened." Tears filled my eyes again as I spoke, but I felt a lot calmer than before. I buried my face in his shoulder.

"It was a panic attack, baby," Reece whispered to me. "But you're okay now, you're okay."

Reece lifted me up and took me over to the bed, sitting me down. He grabbed the food before sitting down next to me and handing me a plate. On it was some dry, almost off looking salad. I really didn't want to eat this, but I didn't want to pass out again so I suffered it down anyway. I put the plate aside and cuddled into Reece. I closed my eyes, letting myself drift between reality and imagination. It felt as if it was the only way to keep myself sane. Reece shifted slightly to put his plate down before moving to cuddle me properly.

I opened my eyes and stretched a little. I felt groggy and sleepy as if I had just had a nap.

"Did I fall asleep?" I asked Reece.

He peeled his eyes away from the locked door before answering me.

"Yeah," Reece said and smiled softly. He pecked me gently on the lips. "How're you feeling?"

"Like I've been hit by a bus." I rolled onto my back as I spoke.

Reece squeezed my shoulder. I looked up at the roof, not really paying attention to anything. My eyes felt as if they were glazed over. Everything came back into focus as my gaze dropped to the door. They way Reece had been looking at the door wasn't as if he was gazing like I am, he had a look of determination written on his face. I almost saw his thoughts ticking over.

"What were you thinking about?" I asked, turning my head to Reece.

"Hm?" Reece looked at me.

"When I woke up, what were you thinking about?"

"How to get out of here. I think I came up with an idea," Reece said.

I sat up to look at Reece better. He sat up too.

"Go on."

"We clearly can't get out with the door locked, but what if we could get them to open it?"

"How would we get them to open it? I'm pretty sure they keep it locked for a reason, they're not going to just open it for us."

"They did when you passed out." Reece said. "I called out and they came in unarmed, there was only two of them. If we come up with a plan, we could get out of here."

I stared at my fiddling hands for a moment, wondering if we would actually be able to pull it off. I looked back up to him before I spoke.

"Do you really think we could do it?"

"I do."

We talked for awhile, trying to come up with a plan. There was a lot of debating over what would work and what wouldn't. There was definitely more wouldn't's than would's. But we eventually decided on something we both thought would work.

Reece would call out and tell them that I passed out again when they came to give us food. I would pretend that I'm passed out and let them lift me up. When they turn their back on Reece, he will knock one of the guards out while I did the same to the other. If they have any weapons on them then we'll take them too, just in case. From there, Reece and I sneak past the door and retrace the steps to where they kept me when I passed out. Then we will follow the sounds to the exit of the building and make a run for it. From what I could hear, we seemed to be in a fairly well-populated area. We're hoping we will make it without running into anyone, but we know it's not likely. So we went over what we would do if we did come across someone. We'd worked out ways to fight them whether they had weapons or not.

We decided to sleep on the idea, see if we thought of any more flaws to our plan. A lot of thought went into it and I think it'll work. I hope it'll work.

I pulled Reece down to lay with me. He spooned me as I thought, running the plan through my head again and again before sleep finally took me.

A/N - Things are about to go down👀 I want your theories on how it's gonna play out so please comment them!!

- T :) x

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